First I want to talk about all the senseless hate going on in regard to Americans against muslims. Are their beliefs so radically different than ours? The Koran teaches peace, same as the christian bible. It teaches to love thy neighbor, do not kill, do not commit adultery, just like the bible does. Is it not true that we all, as humans are born unto the Earth in the exact same manner, from our mothers? And it is true, that innevitably we shall all die. Everyone bleeds the same color red blood. So where does all the hatred and difference come in? Well, I have two very simple answers. #1: location. We are on the complete opposite side of the planet. Life is different here in America than it is over in the middle eastern, African, and Asian nations. They have had longstanding traditions and culture dating back much farther than our elitist American society. And we have to get past the assinine thought that just because other cultures and peoples do not speak English DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE STUPID (not at all)!!
#2 The Islamic people, just like Christians are basing their lifestyle off of an ancient book that sets a guideline for behavior. And just like with Christianity, muslims have extremists as well. Do not forget my friends: WE (Americans) invaded several soverign nations under the guise of terrorism. Haven't found 1 weapon of mass destruction YET!!
Here is the definition of terrorism for those who do not know:
- The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.
The reason I posted this is to let people know that it DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY. We have the rights under the constitution of the United States to stand up and make our voice be heard by the squabbling politicians in Washington DC. We have the ability to stand united, despite the government's best efforts to divide us. Despite race, color, gender, age, sexual orientation or whatever people are predjudiced over... we are ALL THE SAME.
No matter what you call HIM, be it Jehova, Allah, Elohim, Yahweh, or whatever. Be you Islamic, Hebrew, Jewish, Buddhist, Taoist, Christian, Hindu, Wiccan, or even Pagan...
Benjamin Franklin was quoted as saying "there is no such thing as a bad peace or a good war"
WAR is for only one purpose: bringing terror and terrorism to other peoples and nations. This starts from FEAR and misunderstanding. The language barrier impedes most Americans from understanding the ways of the rest of the world. But if we can all just unite behind the 1 true fact that we are all the same, THEN AND ONLY THEN CAN WE STRIVE TOWARD PEACE
This has been the Quiet Mouse... peace be with you all
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