Welcome back my friends. This is the Quiet Mouse coming back at you with some heavy duty info to bend your mind.
So check this out. I was watching the news the other day and I see this story about a porn shop next to a McDonalds. The deal was that all these people were up in arms about DILDOs being graphically displayed in the window for sale. This guy was on there like "I had to explain to my 16 year old daughter what a dildo was..." and I'm like SO WHAT!! Are we really that prudish in this country?? Wouldn't this guy rather have his daughter of 16 masturbating than out having unprotected sex with a teenage boy, who is by definition, NOT ready to be a DAD??
So lets examine this further, cause the Quiet Mouse is a little bit confused. Now I am gonna hate on a certain group a little bit here and if you are offended by what I say... GOOD! You need to wake up to the reality of the situation.
From the time that we all hit puberty, guess what?? WE ARE ALL THINKING ABOUT SEX and F*#KING!! So lets be real about it. How bout all you right wing christian bible thumpers who LOVE TO HAVE KIDS, get a grip on your own ego. Why don't we do the RIGHT thing and actually educate our children about the dangers of premarital sex and STD's, the proper use of condoms, pill, or whatever kind of prophylaxis needs to be used to cut down on unwanted and unfair teenage pregnancy. Teenagers are just mini adults, but just like underage drinking and drug use, the more we make it taboo and call it a "sin", guess what?? They are just gonna do it that much more. Plus they are gonna sneak around to do it as well.
So you're asking... "Well Quiet Mouse, what should we do?" I'm gonna tell you.
STOP BEING A PRUDE! QUIT ACTING LIKE SEX IS A CRIME OR A SIN! Everyone does it and that is NEVER gonna change. So all you bible thumpers out there let me hit you with this...
So lets get back to the education of our youth. How bout we be responsible as parents? Yeah, I said it!
Why don't we take the time to educate teens and even younger about the virtues of waiting until a proper age... like how bout one with a job and their own car, apartment, etc...
We as a culture have to stop demonizing personal behaviors. It is NOT our place to tell others what to do in their own home. And most of these behaviors would cease if we quit making them such a big deal in the first place. Plus wouldn't you feel better about your kids being at home masturbating than being teenage parents anyway? Think!! I keep saying it...
Next issue... Cannabis. No I did not say Marijuana, No I didn't say POT. It is CANNABIS! Much like the the underage sex issue, the underage misuse of this God given plant stems from misinformation and demonization by the MORAL RIGHT WING. Why don't we try a new tactic because this WAR on drugs has not only failed the country and caused us to go even further into debt, but the very money from the illegal market is funding the terror we so vehemontly abhor. Lets try this instead: if we decriminalize it, guess what? WE DON'T HAVE A JAIL SYSTEM FULL OF CRIMINALS!!
I know what you're thinking... "But Quiet Mouse it's a gateway drug."
I call bulls@#t! If people are gonna try cocaine, they are gonna do it regardless of weather or not they used cannabis in the first place. And if we decriminalized cannabis, the cops would actually have something to do getting the REAL DRUG killers off the streets like heroind and crack, murderers, and child molesters instead of harassing our youth and throwing THEM in jail, ruining their entire lives over a PLANT!!
Lets think about this... for all you religious folks. The bible states that God gave us ALL seed bearing plants for human use. Not just the ones we choose to villify. And if God is perfect and makes NO MISTAKES... guess what?? HE MEANT FOR US TO HAVE AND TO USE THIS PLANT! Just like he made Muslims... ah!
Lets look at this another way... How many people DIE every year from tobacco use?? How many people die every year from alcohol abuse?? Now how many people have died from Cannabis use?? anyone?? anyone?? 0, none, zilch, nada, nein, zip, zero... NOT A DAMN PERSON!
Ok, so you find the smoke offensive. I get that. I respect that. Don't smoke it. Don't hang out with those that smoke it. That seems simple enough, right?
But the least we can do is educate people about the REAL effects and the REAL uses of this wonderful medicinal plant. This plant can be used to make plastics, oil, fuel, clothing, textiles, food and hundreds of other uses, just like John Washington Carver figured out how to do with the lovable peanut.
Now we are gonna get into a sensitive subject, but the Quiet Mouse NEEDS to say this for all those Morality Police out there: IT IS NONE OF YOUR F@#KING BUSINESS WHAT A WOMAN DOES WITH HER BODY!!! Oh yeah, I said that!!
I do not condone murder or the end of life as we know it, I need to say first and foremost. But I have NO RIGHT to tell anyone, especially a woman, what to do with her OWN body. So lets say it like this...
Very few people in this world are actually PRO-DEATH!! Maybe the Nazis, Kim Jung Il, Sadam Hussein, and a few others... So lets not mistake this issue by those who want to make PRO-CHOICE into the wrong issue. The issue is this: YOU want to tell everyone what to do and how to do it. That is NOT choice. That is dictatorship!! If a woman wants to have an abortion: FINE. SHE can settle that with HIM when it is time!! YOU and I have NO RIGHT to tell HER or anyone else what to do with their body. And that goes with drinking, smoking, fornicating and whatever else. As long as it does NOT HURT CHILDREN... and I'm talking about the often forgotten ones that are ALREADY HERE!!
Where do the good christian values come in NOW? Don't see a lot of WHITE christian women raising BLACK crack babies that are lost in the system!!
This has been the Quiet Mouse... hate it or love it, I want PEACE!! NOT WAR!!
I totally agree about educating our kids about sex. They are going to do it regardless of what we say, and I agree, the more you beat it into them that sex is bad the more rebellious they will become. I'll admit I'm a prime example. My mother told me over and over how wrong it was and I knew she was right, but then I wanted to know, "What is so bad???" Same thing goes with drinking and drugs...When my daughter was old enough I told her about the birds and the bees. I stressed I'd rather she wait, but made sure she had protection. That was not a ticket for her to have sex, but when she did, it was long after I got her protection. I treat her like the young adult she is, and as a result, she is still an honors student who doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs. She is very honest and open about everything. Yeah, I hate to think my child is having sex, but I know she is careful so I can't be angry about it. It won't help. Since I treat her with respect, I get the same back from her. I don't think that you have to be your child's best friend, but if you treat them the way you would want to be treated, it sure helps.
ReplyDeleteI agree it IS the woman's right to choose. Like you, I do not condone abortion, except in extreme cases like the pregnancy could result the mother's death, but it's not my right to tell a woman what to do. God will be the judge.
Just like on everything else. People want to eliminate the woman's right to terminate pregnancy. What's next, regulating vasectomies? Will will tell a man he doesn't have the right to end his ability to reproduce? Why hasn't anyone thought of that??? What about Plan B? Why is that allowed? There are those that believe life begins at conception, so why is this pill on the market? Just sayin.....
Bryce, great blog, what a great way to let go of anything you may be thinking! Thanks for sharing my dear friend ;)