Saturday, May 11, 2019

Subjective vs Objective

Namaste and welcome my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers to another posting for the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back.
You might be looking at the topic and wondering WTF?!? Today I'd like to explain and hopefully be able to resolve some understanding and communicating issues we have as humans.
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Let's start with the subjective part. This is where folks get confused. To understand the term, we need to break it down a little. The word subject means personal; the -ive means "relating to". Put it together and it means "relating to something personal". This means something that is subjective is open to your personal belief or opinion.

Objective on the other hand is the opposite of subjective. Let's break it down again: "Relating to an object." Something objective is facts and real that can be viewed and documented by others, without bias of personal opinions or beliefs.
Image result for subjective vs objective
Why blog about this? I think some people get these two opposing ideas mixed up in their heads and are confused in dealing with others.
For example, when you or I are listening to another person talk, it is difficult to remain objective. Objective thoughts are controlled by the logic of our brains, whereas subjective thoughts come from within our emotions and how they relate to our thoughts, emotions, and desires (often in communicating reflected in the desire to be heard, believed, and understood). It is very easy for individuals to confuse emotions and feelings as facts.
Facts are objective. Emotions and feelings are subjective. This is important to know in inter-personal relationships and interpersonal communication, especially during times of disagreement, as facts get construed with emotions, words can be misinterpreted leading to hurt feelings and broken relationships.
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The overall point, I suppose, is that like most things, there is a time and place for emotions and there is a time and place for hard, logical facts. There is no golden rule on this that I know of beyond the actual golden rule:
do unto others as you would have them do to you
Image result for golden rule
The golden rule changes based on culture and geographical differences, but the overall message is the same: be good to others and they will return in kindness. Your opinions are your opinions and you can disagree and have different opinions than others and still get along. Just remember that...
This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect.

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