Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day

Namaste and welcome to my blog. I'm gonna keep this short, since it's a holiday and I'm sure we all have other things to do like bbq and spend times with friends and family. So let's jump right in...
Image result for memorial dayImage result for memorial day
I feel, as a veteran, like the freedoms we have in this nation get taken for granted. Freedom of speech is taken as "freedom to be an asshole". And our freedom to assemble often comes at the cost of massive littering of garbage on our city streets, beaches, lakes, and rivers, et cetera.
What is the worst part to me, is the disrespect to those veterans who served in the armed forces, and to the ones who died in those rich man's wars, just for Americans to trash our once beautiful country with total disregard for the planet and fellow citizen's.
Many many soldiers and sailors have given the ultimate sacrifice of their lives for this idealist notion of preserving liberty and justice for all.
Image result for memorial day anti governmentImage result for memorial day anti government
I have mad respect for that ideal of sacrifice for nation and people and those who have served (and those who died) with honor and integrity for that ideal. What I don't respect is the bull shit reason so many American sons and daughters have died in war for some rich man's game of war profiteering. The ENTIRE life of my children this nation has been at war bombing and causing genocide around the globe under the guise of bringing freedom or national security. For the record, national security ENDS at our border. Overthrowing sovereign elected governments in other nations is NOT national security... it's war profiteering. Along with all the times our presidents have forced troops to break international laws like the Geneva convention and the treaties made by the United Nations.
Image result for memorial day anti governmentImage result for memorial day anti governmentImage result for memorial day anti government
I'm gonna wrap this up by stating that I whole heartedly support the troops and their heroism in the face of certain danger across the globe. I, however, do NOT support our government's imperialism that is touted as "national defense", with over 900 bases in over 100 different countries around the world. Everyone else in the world sees it for what it is... why can't Americans? Ethnocentrism and nationalism is why.
So while you are out enjoying the holiday remember that this nation is our home and it reflects badly upon us all when we treat our people and lands like shit while getting shit faced and throwing garbage everywhere... this ISN'T the freedom our founding fathers had in mind, nor meant for sons and daughters to die for. Folks need to read a history book today, lest we, as a nation, find ourselves repeating the same mistakes of the past over and over again. This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse. Peace be with you. 

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