Namaste and welcome to the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. Today I want to briefly talk about people who talk down about themselves, those with low SELF esteem.
There are literally MILLIONS of not billions of haters out here in the world. There are many of these haters who are ready, willing, and able to hate on you or I any time of the day. The haters aren't too difficult to find, they are quite literally EVERYWHERE.
Self-esteem is how YOU feel about YOU. The LAST person you need hating on you is YOU. Let the haters hate. It's their job. Kicking ass and being a one-of-a-kind original is YOUR job. Stop comparing yourself to these other jabronies trying to bring you down to their level.
You can be YOU. Everyone else is already taken. Don't let the insecurities, worries, and shortcomings of others get you down and feeling bad about yourself. You are stronger, smarter, and more beautiful than you give yourself credit for. The creator made YOU, unique as a snowflake, NOT to conform and fit in, but to break the mold and expand your own consciousness and evolve. Rock what you got and make up for what you don't. NOBODY IS PERFECT. There is a difference between perfection and realism. We are ALL flawed. So is our partner, our friends, and family members. We all are fighting our own demons and hopefully trying to make self better. It's NOT our job to judge one another.
If you aren't feeling it, sometimes you have to fake it til you make it. Haters gonna hate anyway. Your dreams, your goals, and your successes are dependent on YOU. Just don't fall into the trap of believing the lies of those wolves in sheep's clothing seeking to prey on your low self-esteem and take advantage of you.
Moral of this blog is that YOU have all the skills, talent, and smarts to kick ass and leave the haters behind. They don't evolve or grow, they just keep hating. So let them. You only need them to keep you motivated as you pass them by in the rear view mirror. Hasta la vista, baby.
This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Confidence.
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