Namaste and welcome friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers to the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back!
Today is April 29th, 2013. I had my 34th birthday yesterday and as usual my mind tends to wonder. A lot of topics in my brain, so I'm gonna just jump in and tackle a few.
1) "College Football Playoff"
As if it weren't a big enough hustle that college sports make a ridiculous amount of money for their prospective universities while the student athletes are NOT PAID... well, the BCS system sucked, let's face it. Many such as myself probably agree that organized sports in general kinda seem like a hustle these days; kinda rigged, sort of like the elections in this nation... as it is above, so it is below... just saying. After a long anticipated end of the BCS, we are now stuck with yet another antiquated sounding tedium. Perhaps to get interest in lost fans or those who never were fans, I think they should have called the new playoff system something cool like "Tournament of Titans" or the "I'm about to get paid on Sundays" bowl. Either way it is extremely depressing that many of today's youth believe that they can only either be an athlete or an entertainer in order to be "successful". Sad.
2) Intent of Thought
What is not important to me may indeed be important to someone else. I might personally perceive the thoughts and actions of others at times futile and idiotic, but it is not my place to judge. I realize that the world NEEDS those people too, even if they are sometimes dumb sheeple. Again, the world NEEDS them too, as we are ALL here to learn and serve some greater purpose. THEIR PURPOSE is to enlighten me so I may have epiphanies and further my journey to an enlightened soul. Actually I change that. I AM an enlightened soul, I must journey to find my way back to the source.
I'm not trying to be prejudiced, so understand that now, please before you read the next part.
Only in this country do we placate to the "minorities" of the population. Why shouldn't immigrants BE REQUIRED to speak ENGLISH?!? If I immigrated to France, I would have to speak French. If I immigrated to China, I'd have to learn Chinese. I just makes sense. Only in America do I have to dial a special number to reach someone who speaks the DOMINANT LANGUAGE. I shouldn't have to need a translator to get lunch at a fast food restaurant either. And the sad part is that nearly ANY TIME you speak up about this you are called prejudiced or racist against, namely HISPANICS. You can look back through American history and see that this nation was founded on the exploitation of brown people... the Hispanics are not new to this game that rich WHITE people have been playing for thousands of years.
Another thing is that "entitlement programs" such as WIC, welfare, medicare, etc. belong to actual CITIZENS, first and foremost. It is to help people GET BY UNTIL GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT IS FOUND... it is NOT A CAREER OPPORTUNITY for lazy, greedy freeloaders that get on from ANCHOR BABIES. ONLY IN THIS COUNTRY.
Also, only in this country are we TRILLIONS IN DEBT (to the kabbal of globalist bankers who print money out of thin air) and still giving out foreign aid to terrorist nations like Israel. WTF?!? If we cannot even afford to take care of our own citizens, then we have NO BUSINESS giving away money off the hard working broken backs of the American WORK-force. Funny that word cause it sounds like people are being forced to work. AHA! Further proof of our enslavement to the bankers. Work to get money so you can afford to drive back to work... HUH?!? Sounds like some bull shit to me.
Only in this country do we have sick care instead of health care. Only in this country do the criminals have more rights than the victims. Only in this country can a congress with an 8% approval rating continue to pass legislation that takes away rights and destroys the Constitution.
ANYWHERE ELSE these fascist pigs would see the gallows and swing by their necks. But hey welcome to the DIVIDED STATES of 'MERICA. Citizens can't agree on anything or even unite to preserve this nation from being absorbed into the NWO. So the corrupt bankers, corporations, and politicians plot to enslave us all. But keep watching those sports... after all, part time athletes get paid WAY MORE than the ACTUAL CORNER STONES OF SOCIETY like teachers, nurses, military, police, fire fighters, and industry workers, et. al.
Ladies and gentlemen, I hope this has been thought provoking and an interesting read for you. As always, I welcome any comments. Please look back and read some old blogs, if you will. Share with others. Namaste and good day.
Today is April 29th, 2013. I had my 34th birthday yesterday and as usual my mind tends to wonder. A lot of topics in my brain, so I'm gonna just jump in and tackle a few.
1) "College Football Playoff"
As if it weren't a big enough hustle that college sports make a ridiculous amount of money for their prospective universities while the student athletes are NOT PAID... well, the BCS system sucked, let's face it. Many such as myself probably agree that organized sports in general kinda seem like a hustle these days; kinda rigged, sort of like the elections in this nation... as it is above, so it is below... just saying. After a long anticipated end of the BCS, we are now stuck with yet another antiquated sounding tedium. Perhaps to get interest in lost fans or those who never were fans, I think they should have called the new playoff system something cool like "Tournament of Titans" or the "I'm about to get paid on Sundays" bowl. Either way it is extremely depressing that many of today's youth believe that they can only either be an athlete or an entertainer in order to be "successful". Sad.
2) Intent of Thought
What is not important to me may indeed be important to someone else. I might personally perceive the thoughts and actions of others at times futile and idiotic, but it is not my place to judge. I realize that the world NEEDS those people too, even if they are sometimes dumb sheeple. Again, the world NEEDS them too, as we are ALL here to learn and serve some greater purpose. THEIR PURPOSE is to enlighten me so I may have epiphanies and further my journey to an enlightened soul. Actually I change that. I AM an enlightened soul, I must journey to find my way back to the source.
I'm not trying to be prejudiced, so understand that now, please before you read the next part.
Only in this country do we placate to the "minorities" of the population. Why shouldn't immigrants BE REQUIRED to speak ENGLISH?!? If I immigrated to France, I would have to speak French. If I immigrated to China, I'd have to learn Chinese. I just makes sense. Only in America do I have to dial a special number to reach someone who speaks the DOMINANT LANGUAGE. I shouldn't have to need a translator to get lunch at a fast food restaurant either. And the sad part is that nearly ANY TIME you speak up about this you are called prejudiced or racist against, namely HISPANICS. You can look back through American history and see that this nation was founded on the exploitation of brown people... the Hispanics are not new to this game that rich WHITE people have been playing for thousands of years.
Another thing is that "entitlement programs" such as WIC, welfare, medicare, etc. belong to actual CITIZENS, first and foremost. It is to help people GET BY UNTIL GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT IS FOUND... it is NOT A CAREER OPPORTUNITY for lazy, greedy freeloaders that get on from ANCHOR BABIES. ONLY IN THIS COUNTRY.
Also, only in this country are we TRILLIONS IN DEBT (to the kabbal of globalist bankers who print money out of thin air) and still giving out foreign aid to terrorist nations like Israel. WTF?!? If we cannot even afford to take care of our own citizens, then we have NO BUSINESS giving away money off the hard working broken backs of the American WORK-force. Funny that word cause it sounds like people are being forced to work. AHA! Further proof of our enslavement to the bankers. Work to get money so you can afford to drive back to work... HUH?!? Sounds like some bull shit to me.
Only in this country do we have sick care instead of health care. Only in this country do the criminals have more rights than the victims. Only in this country can a congress with an 8% approval rating continue to pass legislation that takes away rights and destroys the Constitution.
ANYWHERE ELSE these fascist pigs would see the gallows and swing by their necks. But hey welcome to the DIVIDED STATES of 'MERICA. Citizens can't agree on anything or even unite to preserve this nation from being absorbed into the NWO. So the corrupt bankers, corporations, and politicians plot to enslave us all. But keep watching those sports... after all, part time athletes get paid WAY MORE than the ACTUAL CORNER STONES OF SOCIETY like teachers, nurses, military, police, fire fighters, and industry workers, et. al.
Ladies and gentlemen, I hope this has been thought provoking and an interesting read for you. As always, I welcome any comments. Please look back and read some old blogs, if you will. Share with others. Namaste and good day.