Monday, June 18, 2012

Fashion "VICTIMS"

Hey there! Welcome back! If you are new here, namaste! Thank you for joining me today for another edition of the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back.

This is NOT a blog about the stupid trends in fashion that just recycle clothes from a generation or two ago back upon the mindless consumer driven youth. Bell bottoms were NOT really cool when they were popular... what makes you think we need that back as a fashion trend?
Moving on... today I want to talk more about how idiotic cultural trends are. See above picture. It is retarded that it seems to cost so much more for LESS clothing instead of more. It is trashy and wasteful to buy pre-worn-in pants that are pre-fabricated with holes in them. Shit... that's half the fun of getting new clothes is wearing them in YOURSELF to the point. It is usually when the clothes get holes that we donate them to Goodwill or the Salvation Army to give away to those less fortunate... NOT to spend a load of money JUST TO LOOK LIKE A BUM.

Furthermore, I have seen even more wasteful spending in two main areas: 1) women's clothing and 2) kids clothes.
Let me start with #1, women's clothing. It is silly that women pay MORE money to get LESS clothing. I was out shopping at the mall and I noticed that the skimpy clothing and skinny pants/hip huggers cost MORE than a more modest piece of clothing that was INTACT and NOT full of holes/fraying. It's NOT as if a fat person is buying skinny jeans worn in to make themselves "look" as if they had worked out... I DON'T THINK SO!
This is even more the case when you look into women's intimate apparell such as lingerie; bras and panties. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE places like Victoria's Secret and Frederick's of Hollywood, but I gotta tell you how EXPENSIVE these places are... especially since you can almost buy an entire pack of panties at Target for the same price as ONE from the higher end retail stores. This is but a small example, for it really DOES ONLY GET WORSE FROM THERE!
Moving on to #2, children's clothing. No wonder so many people shop at Target and Wal-Mart for kids clothing. For those who DO have children, you know as I do, that kids grow up so fast, there is really not much point in buying little Vinnie or Debby name brand clothing from the Gap or any of the other OVER-PRICED MALL STORES! This is especially true about shoes, although it pertains to almost ALL of children's clothing.

So what's the verdict? Well, I'd certainly recommend NOT spending more money than you need to on any piece of clothing, be it for a man, woman, or child. STOP caring about what other people think is fashionable and just dress yourself in something that is outdoor appropriate... and if you just INSIST on trying to be cool, you'll save money on buying a WHOLE pair of pants and cut it up YOURSELF, it that be your thing... certainly NOT mine.
The TRUE fashion "victims" are those who WASTE their money on what is considered "in style" because it all comes full circle... soon your out of date wardrobe will be BACK IN STYLE... just give it to a younger generation and they'll think they found something original and cool... you can just sit back and laugh cause it wasn't really cool when YOU liked it either.
Just wear what is comfortable and makes YOU feel good. You don't have to spend a grip to know what you like and to look "cool"... cause YOUR definition, I'll bet, is more cost effective and nicer than the lame ass shit they are trying to sell you, modeled on some skinny, skanky, twiggy bitch on the runway...
Keep your money and keep your pride intact. If you're fat, DON'T WEAR SKINNY JEANS! Oh, and the dudes need to step up and act like MEN instead of wearing make-up and dressing like queers!! If you are NOT an underwear model, then it doesn't really do much good to try and dress like one!!
Peace. Love. Respect.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Namaste. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to join me today. Let's jump right in... I'm gonna keep this pretty short.

I've talked to a lot of people who do work or have worked in call centers and other service industry jobs. It is painful to hear time after time the abuse that these poor people have to put up with from asshole customers. It seems to me that there are a lot of these ASSHOLES out in the public. What makes an otherwise "normal" person act so heinous towards a complete stranger. It's like that movie "Waiting"... by now you really aught to know NOT to fuck with the people that prepare your food. But why should that be any different than when you are on the phone talking with someone in a call center who is GENUINELY TRYING TO HELP YOU?
It seems to me that the cowards out there who are call center assholes don't generally have the sack to act that way to someone's face... but like a lot of things, I have been known to be wrong from time to time... in fact, upon further thought, I think it IS the SAME people who call and yell and scream at strangers on the phone that act like assholes to people at businesses, restaurants, and other service industry jobs.
Why is it that people have to be rude to one another? There is obviously some sort of jaded agenda and lack of respect for others... probably stems from a lack of SELF respect for his/her self that is choosing to act like a shit head instead of a decent, respectful human being.
I know sometimes it is easy to lose your temper, especially since many call center jobs have been outsourced to places like India and you cannot go to many service industry places without being overrun with non-English speaking Hispanics... but this is NO REASON to be hateful. We live in a diverse world full of great people... that does NOT warrant being a dick, though.

Regardless of the reasoning (which there is NONE), it is up to YOU as an individual to CONTROL YOUR BEHAVIOR, regardless of the surrounding circumstances. It is NOT anyone else in the entire universe's fault for how YOU act, but YOURS. I keep talking about KARMA and it's gonna bite a lot of people in the ass who mistreat their fellow human beings. Again, it doesn't matter how much YOU wish for good things in your life... if you act good, good things will happen in return. If you act badly, bad things will happen in return. It's a really simple rule, but it is human nature for many to lie, cheat, steal, and generally act like a piece of shit toward others. Perhaps we should all work on that because it is our ability to CONTROL our emotions and NOT just act on instinct, but with thought, respect, and humanity that makes us different and BETTER than the animals whom we are SUPPOSED to shepherd rather than slaughter.
Don't hate the player... hate the game. Don't kill the messenger!! Sometimes it might just be good news or someone who is WILLING and ABLE to help you. Don't be so quick to think that this person is inferior or stupid... the fact that YOU are calling THEM or asking them for help should show you where the intelligence lies... just saying. If you don't like having to deal with other people, perhaps you should just SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DO IT YOURSELF!!! No one wants to deal with "THAT GUY" who is an asshole for no good reason to complete strangers. If you're that guy or girl who does this... from all those in the service industry and ANYONE who has had to deal with these rude people: FUCK YOU, Mr. ASSHOLE!
This has been the Quiet Mouse. Keep your behavior in check. If you think you are going to be rude, then just shut up and say nothing. Pretty simple. No one wants to hear all the B.S. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Say A Prayer...

Namaste and welcome back to another edition of the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. Today this is going to be a short blog about prayer.
It seems ironic to me that some of those who call themselves "Christians" are generally some of the most arrogant, judgmental, and selfish people I have met despite the teachings of Jesus. No, I'm not lumping the entire group together because I DO think there are some good people out there and I think some of them happen to be religious, but having religion(s) does NOT make a person "holier than thou"!
Every time a player in the NFL scores a touchdown he thanks God personally, but never says boo when he trips up behind the line of scrimmage or fumbles the ball. Students and parents want prayer in school, as they lack respect for those with other cultures and traditions... as there are thousands of religious beliefs, who is to say what is right and what is wrong? And yet that doesn't stop people from continuing to judge others, often rallying around nationalism and segregation from others of different beliefs and ethnicity's.
My purpose for this blog is NOT really to incite dissent toward religion, but rather to tell those who chose to be narrow minded and  religious rather than free thinking and spiritual, to pray for something different; something LESS selfish.
It seems to me that most religious people pray for selfish interests like monetary gain, beauty, long life, better health... forgetting the entire time that God can only show you the path... it is STILL up to YOU to follow the path. So if YOU want something, you should take the gifts and talents given to you and use them to create your OWN REALITY; something better for YOURSELF.
I want to step aside for a second and make a parallel analogy... People who are religious are usually the SAME people that have blind faith in the government to NOT fuck them over, just as they see there being a deity above that is somehow looking out for ONLY YOU... YOU have the power within yourself to do amazing and great things, but people waste their talent, sit idly by and do nothing, living a long miserable life simply awaiting death because they think they will go to heaven, having forsaken this mortal world entirely. The ONLY person that you can count on to make your life better is YOU! You can look outside yourself for hope, faith, happiness, or anything else, but you AREN'T going to find it anywhere else but within your heart, brain, and soul.

So next time you pray, INSTEAD of praying for selfish interests like money and fame... how about you pray for your religious leaders to STOP molesting children?!? How about you pray for the government of the United States to STOP waging wars and bombing brown people in the Middle East and ALL around the world?!? How about you pray for the rest of your fellow humans to be kind and caring of one another instead of apathetic, fearful, and hateful?!? How about you pray for the BANKS to STOP stealing the hard earned money from people's bank accounts, retirement funds, college funds, social security, and investments, as well as their homes and property?!? How about you pray that the rich people will actually see you and I as human beings rather than sheep or cattle for them to buy, sell, trade, or take to slaughter?!?
Pray for something genuinely benevolent, for someone ELSE besides yourself!!! You will be amazed that once you change your paradigm, the entire world will change around you. ALL THE BLESSINGS AND ALL THE KNOWLEDGE YOU NEED IS WITHIN YOURSELF!!! You don't need religion to be moral and a good person. You don't need fear of reprisal or an afterlife in hell to keep you in line because the creator made you EXACTLY the way you are supposed to be... fearful, flawed, and imperfect, yet able to grow, mature, and evolve... two sides to the same coin. Take a good hard look at the man or woman in the mirror... If you are indeed made in the image of God, then YOU have the ability to rise up above your mortal limitations and to SOLVE your own problems, heal your own wounds, and move forward toward the infinite with hope, love, and compassion for your fellow men/women. It is only when we find the universe within and accept who and what we are that we can change the universe outside of our self.
We are ALL children of the one creator. Let's start acting like it and hold OURSELVES to a higher standard of living and behaviors. Please!
This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Humanity. Truth. Acceptance. Compassion.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Dream Within A Dream

You are a child standing on a great cosmic shore of the ocean of the infinite. Are you awake or are you dreaming?
No, this is NOT Inception... this is the Quiet Mouse and today, I hope to blow your mind. So follow me down the rabbit hole, won't you, Alice? Let's see how deep we can go into the realm of human consciousness. Open your mind, free yourself from the chains of your physical body and find who you REALLY ARE!

It seems, at times, to me that the world we live in is fabricated. It is a veil that has been lifted over your eyes to hide the truth from you. While your body and possibly mind are enslaved and shackled into the Matrix of what we THINK is reality, behind the illusion, behind the curtain is the Wizard of Oz... the REAL you, or is it me?
When you close your eyes, what do you see? What do you feel? Who or what are you?
My theory that I propose today is that the world that you perceive through your 5 senses (taste, touch, smell, hearing, and seeing) is the dream and what we call the "dream" is our true reality and the nature of our soul.
"How can this be?" You may ask.
Science has shown us, when we are mindful enough to look in the right places, that on the smallest sub-atomic level our universe is pixilated, sort of like a computer screen. The atoms bounce around from here to there and are only ever stable when WE chose to look at them. Both stable and unstable at the same time depending on OUR perspective. ALL things in the universe are energy brought into harmony through waves and magnetism. IT is always seeking to find a sort of homeostasis. WE are the delusions of our own egos, an infinite consciousness subjectively viewing itself broken into smaller increments we call consciousness, but yet we are still a part of the whole, the creator, the infinite source of wisdom and knowledge. Most people call it God, but it is neither a he or she, for it is everything masculine, feminine, or neutral.

When you "awaken" how do you feel? What do you see? What do you remember? Has your perception of the world changed? How do you know you are awake? If it is a matter of what you perceive with your 5 senses, then that can be explained very simply by interpretations from your cerebral cortex in your brain. EVERYTHING we perceive is done via the computer in our skull we call a brain.
Going further the meat sack we identify with and call "ME" is just a host body for our infinite consciousness to subjectively observe a physical existence to gain knowledge and experience to make us ready to graduate from a 3rd dimensional existence back to our true nature as an inter-dimensional infinitely conscious being, a child of the star dust... a triumph, although not necessary pinnacle of creation, we are. In this infinite universe, how would the creator self-actualize? There is no way to calculate the true size of the universe because God IS the universe and all things within.
With infinite wisdom the universe was created and God said... mind you that above I spoke about things moving in waves. Sound was the first wave... and God said... this is important because it breathed life into the dust where a dense cloud of atoms and molecules became the building blocks of life... and then there was the BIG BANG as God pushed out toward the edge. Creation after creation, God kept busy. Billions of Earth years passed, probably a lot longer than that to our limited perceptions, and life emerged on a tiny blue rock in a distant part of a binary star system.
Well, I think we all know where this story is going. But how does this explain my views?
Again, EVERYTHING is God, the creator. All stars, planets, life forms both terrestrial and alien, rocks, asteroids, comets, and a whole microcosm and macrocosm beyond the sight of the naked eye... it is all part of a neural-interactive simulation that many refer to as the Matrix. Others may call it the tree of life and so on and so forth. No matter how far we go, no matter how far we look, we will never find an edge or border to our perceived universe because in this limited form we are simply not meant to. Earth was meant to be a haven for life, a place for beings to grow physically (in a mortal shell), mentally (by experiencing a mortal existence through 5 senses and emotions), and spiritually (through the CHOICE that was made to self-actualize through a mortal existence, a greater understanding of God can be achieved as even God is trying to evolve into something greater, just as we are... as above so it is below).
Bringing the whole subject full circle... we as humans are really NOT humans at all. Humanity is just the shape of the vessel we are using to observe this reality. So who really is the man behind the curtain? A soul of infinite potential energy. A soul of infinite potential knowledge. A soul of infinite potential creation. Even though this is a finite existence as a mortal human, there is no real death, for there never was any real life. We identify with this body because we know no other existence. The veil has not yet been lifted... but it CAN BE. Through meditation, hard study, past life regression, and self actualization, one may come to realize these things.
There are some who say that they are religious and believe in God, but then close their minds to the bigger picture and the greater plan. Fate is fickle and waits on no man. The signs are all around us, trying to be shown so we can see. Are we aware? Or are we so busy being distracted by the Matrix that we've become  blind? Some are too apathetic, just waiting for death. It will come... it always does. But then comes rebirth. If we do not learn the lessons we are meant to, then we are sent back again and again until we do. We must gain certain knowledge and experiences before we can see past the narrow limitations of the 3rd dimension. It is fully within our spiritual grasp to open our soul, mind, and body to the 4th, 5th, and even higher dimensions of existence.
There is no need for war, and yet it is an ingrained part of the human existence to fight and seek separation; duality. There is no right, there is no wrong, there just IS. These are all constructs of a narrowly limited human mind that is based on 5 senses that only touch a very small fraction of the REALITY, about 1% to be precise. What is in the other 99% of what we cannot perceive? Higher dimensions with the inhabitants that God created awaiting our arrival? God itself? Infinite love and energy? All possibilities in a universe of infinite possibility. You may return here to Earth realm again to learn more. We are ALL students in this life whether we will admit to it or not. To deny our selves is to deny the very thing that makes us who and what we are, as we are ONLY HERE TO LEARN AND EVOLVE. PERIOD. Our brain is only a computer, the body only a biological machine, but our soul, the piece of God itself, is IMMORTAL. People die, but the energy is returned and renewed, for there can be no life without death, no day without night, no fear without love. We see these as polar opposites, but this is NOT true. They are like a yin and a yang. Upon first sight you might perceive two opposites. If you have, you failed the test. I do not see two opposites, but two parts to one WHOLE. Just like a human being. This is the nature of our existence. In order to grow as a spiritual being we must learn to ACCEPT our inner angels and demons as part of a WHOLE entity. Once we accept the self can we learn to accept the other inhabitants of this world who are our brothers, sisters, cousins, mothers, fathers, and loved ones. We are ALL part of God, experiencing a piece of an infinite universe subjectively.
People are waking up daily, slowly at first, but there is momentum as people seek understanding and solace in what can sometimes be a volatile planet. There is no need for worry or fear. There is a time and place for that. We have succumbed to the fear before but all that is done. Now we will be strong, determined, and we will have open minds, hearts, and souls as we face the dawn of a new age: an age of equality, prosperity, and harmony. WHEN we change our thoughts and perceptions, we will LITERALLY change the ENTIRE world around us. For those that are reading this... YOU are the enlightened ones or are on the cusp of PREMATURE ENLIGHTENMENT. It is our duty to awaken our family, our friends, our lost tribes of men and women. For when we awaken the world, the bounty of the heavens will unfold and both humanity AND the infinite soul will rejoice! Thank you for taking this journey with me. Namaste.
Peace. Love. Respect. To infinity and beyond!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

REVOLUTION: A Change in the Video Game Market

Hello and welcome to another exciting edition of the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back! Thanks for joining me today!

There has been a lot of reports in the news lately about the death of the home console gaming market. Nintendo, X-box, and PS3 being the top competitors are being hit right in the pocket book right now. A revolution is going on within the gaming industry. It takes a lot of money and time to put out a blockbuster game for the home console. Let's be honest here... for all those who do own a home video game system you can feel my own personal pain when I tell you it's a BITCH to have to pony up $60 for the newest game at your local retailer, or even $30 to $40 for a used/pre-owned game in the aftermarket battle at stores like Gamestop.
There are a lot of things going on in the world these days: political unrest, famine/food shortages, global pollution, pyramid scams, taxes, rising gas prices, etc. that make your dollar have to stretch farther than it ever has had to before now, well at least in the last 30 years or so.

The market is evolving. This cannot be denied. With the advent of new technologies, namely hand held portable devices, along with the cell phone/smart phone craze (i.e. apple iphone/ipad and android smart phones) it is easy to see why gaming is fundamentally and forever changing. From a consumer point of view it is far more economical to play a whole slew of either FREE or cheaply priced games on these new formats rather than shelling out $60 at the mall or big box store. The price range even for the expensive games on the hand held phones starts from $0.99 to $5, and some huge classics can go for close to $10... but still, by comparison, it is a much better price than a home console game, which you can't even take to-go like the phone. Games like "Words with friends", "Angry Birds", and "Draw something" have made the hand held market the go-to place to get popular new games that can be created and distributed cheaply and reach a far wider audience than the home console market. Then there are the added features of APPS (thousands of them that do any task/game you can imagine). In addition there are features like streaming video sites such as Netflix and Hulu that can be watched from the phone making it an all in one media entertainment device.

The new PSVita and Nintendo 3DS have done their best to combat this hand held market, but even with features like the Virtual Console, a re-hash of old NES, Super NES, Gameboy, and Sega games, it is still a matter of pricing as the operating hand held console is still above the hundred dollar price point, much higher than the average gamer can afford easily.
Cell phones on the other hand have taken off immensely as the home phone has died and become an icon of the past, similar to VHS and BetaMax. Convenience, features, price points, as well as the physical need to be in communication on the go has led to the point where nearly every adult has a cell phone now and the smart phones are starting to be more affordable to the masses. Go out ANYWHERE. STOP and look around. Inevitably you will see dozens of people if not hundreds of people all whipping out their cell phones. These people are talking, texting with friends, playing games, looking up a multitude of information on the internet, talking to SIRI... hell phones now can do almost anything as they are smarter, smaller, and faster than the processors of past console video gaming systems.

Now I want to talk about the DIRTY SIDE of the gaming industry. But stepping to the side for a moment I want to talk about blunders in industry. For example: Blockbuster video. This company was once the formidable face of the home movie industry, but online streaming from sites like Hulu and Netflix have killed this market. Is it entirely the online industry's fault? NO. Despicable corporate greed and practices like purposefully killing competition so they could be on top has come full circle and KARMA is biting them in the ass. The same can be said about the video gaming industry's top contenders of Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo. Rather than adapting to the market and jumping in league with the mobile phone boom, as they SHOULD HAVE, these companies have continued with business as usual, trying marketing ploy after ploy and investing large amounts of money into dying video game franchises... OR like Nintendo, investing tons of technology into the Wii U that is nothing short of a glorified iPad, but with none of the features except as an adjunct to the already dwindling retail gaming market. What WOULD have been a cool idea is if you could pause the live t.v. game and take it with you to finish later on the hand held remote with the touch screen. I foresee this as happening soon with the cell phones. I could totally see being able to access television features from the palm of your hand where the touch screen phone acts as the remote control for both the tv and the gaming console.

I got side-tracked, so let's re-focus. Dirty side of gaming industry is that both Sony and Microsoft have decidedly made it their personal missions, as corporations, to KILL the aftermarket re-sale of physical gaming, namely places like Gamestop, Game Crazy, etc. The greed of these companies will ultimately be their own undoing, as KARMA always seems to bite these companies in the ass. It's the consumer that decides game trends, NOT the technology, as ultimately it is the all-mighty $DOLLAR$ that runs the world of gaming as well as the world in general. The greedy move to kill the aftermarket of gaming has NO PLUS SIDE, for the manufacturers OR the consumer. This ploy will fail because people, in their cheapness will just play on their phones or re-adopt past gaming systems that are cheaper and has the physical media they desire. Even IF they were able to kill a retailer like Gamestop, people will STILL trade and sell games on places like Amazon and Craigslist, so really this effort by the gaming GIANTS is futile. Furthermore, people actually enjoy having a physical copy of their favorite games, if not to sell or trade, but perhaps just to allow their friends, children, or family members to try it out before THEY go buy the game. The next generation systems by Sony and Microsoft are intended to be ONLY STRICT DOWNLOADS... NO PHYSICAL COPY!

I guess my overall point is that the new generation of gaming systems will undergo much scrutiny and many of the avid gamers from MY generation are gonna say "FUCK YOU!" and stick with the retro classics of  NES, SNES, PS1 and PS2, et. al. Modern, younger generations of gamers that know no difference than PS online store and X-box live will see no major difference as they generally don't know any better. However it is the PARENTS, as they have the money, that will dictate if this non-physical media trend will explode as Sony and Microsoft have predicted. Only time will tell, but MY prediction is that the console gaming industry is setting itself up for failure. Instead of focusing all the time and money on gimmiky systems (that are quirky and over-priced) and games that make you dance around looking like a fool (Kinect/PS move), the focus should really go (like the phone industry has) back to making good quality games for a good quality price... so for home consoles, they should focus on the $20 to $30 range for new releases. If not... then I'm sure we ALL know what the end result will be, because the cell phone thing isn't going away any time soon.
This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse. Thanks for taking this time to hear me talk about something I know a lot about. I hope this has shown you some insight into this topic and got your mind racing to write about or talk about it with friends.
Peace. Love. Respect. Truth. Humanity. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 5, 2012 S.A.D.

Today I just want to make a short blog stating emphatically that this date is 5 June 2012. I live in Washington State. It is COLD and RAINY today; much like it is ALL YEAR ROUND, with a few breaks, like 3 weeks of ACTUAL SUMMER, somewhere around July/August.
I miss the warmth and heat of Texas, where I was from before moving up to the Oregon/Washington area. I'll admit, despite the rain and cold, it IS beautiful up here in the Pacific Northwest, however, my body is craving warmth, for Christ's sakes. Here it is JUNE and it is STILL COLD!! I want to be kicking back and enjoying this weather because my 2 kids are getting out of school for summer vacation and it still feels like winter/early spring... anything BUT the summer it is supposed to be feeling like.
Back in Dallas it's like 90 degrees. It's hot, flat, and dry there for the most part this time of year and I could totally handle a few days of rain as opposed to the year round depressing; overcast cloud cover here in Vancouver WA.
Here is what I was envisioning for this time of year:

But this is what we have INSTEAD of the idealistic vision for warmth and joy where I see myself walking around in khaki shorts and flip flops:

This I must admit I am none too happy about as I feel like a hermit, locked inside all day every day because I am depressed due to the overcast weather and I may well indeed have S.A.D. (seasonal affective dissorder).
My more ideal idea of a cold summer would be to have an ice cold glass of lemonade and a good working air conditioner, enough heat for me to take a long walk outside without fear of being rained on. It is NOT COOL how it is June 5th and I feel like I need gloves up here in the NW.
Well, that's about all I have to say about that. Living in Washington sure makes me miss the warmth of the south, as I'm a good old boy missing the great state of Texas. Perhaps this summer I'll be able to make it back to visit family... and perhaps I might just want to move BACK there once I finish up cooking school in March of next year. Perhaps?!?

Monday, June 4, 2012

No TAXATION Without Representation

Did you know that today in America we pay higher taxes than when the founding fathers and original settlers of this nation fought and battled in the Revolutionary War for independence from Britain?

Namaste and  to another edition of the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back! Let's jump right in with the topic and discuss this tax system. It never actually came to a public vote whether or not American citizens got a say in IF they had to pay taxes to a central government. Many people would be shocked and appalled to find out exactly where the tax money that you have to pay goes. Let's explore a little and find out, shall we?
So you may think that your tax money goes to pay for things like teachers, civil servants, infrastructure projects like roads and bridges, police, fire fighters, etc. Perhaps this may be true for local and state taxes (probably not or else the states wouldn't have their coffer open for government handouts either)... However, the MAJORITY of your tax money goes to pay the Federal Reserve as payment for interest on monies LOANED to our government, at HIGH INTEREST. I've spoke on this before but feel the need to say this again. YOU ARE A SLAVE TO THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT BECAUSE EVERY SINGLE DOLLAR HAS TAXED INTEREST ASSOCIATED WITH THE LOAN... EVERY SINGLE DOLLAR!!! This is debt that CANNOT and WILL NOT ever be paid back. It is NOT intended to be so.

Beyond the obvious fact that bankers are getting rich off of these loaned monies to the public use, there are a couple hidden places that our money gets sent. Remember the war for independence? Constitution? Well, you'd be shocked to know that part of your tax money goes to paying the crown of England a subservience fee. You'd be even MORE SHOCKED to find out that America is really STILL only a colony of the British Empire. Have you never wondered why WE, as a nation are ALWAYS tasked with bailing the English out of one battle or another?!? War of 1812?!? WWI?!? WWII?!? and many more...
I'm NOT an expert. DON'T take MY word for it. Do some research as I have. Make your own opinions. All I ask is for you to educate yourself to the realities of the REAL world we live in, and NOT this fake bullshit you see on television that is just propaganda and entertainment.
Moving on... you would be further insulted and shocked to find that millions of dollars are going to the terrorist nation state of Israel (which is made up of like 12 different tribes of people, NOT just 1), further funding this terrorism against the Palestinians in a pretty much non-stop war over the "holy lands", which pretty much seems like an oxymoron to me as war and "holy" do NOT compute... I don't really think that's the idea the Christian God or Jesus would condone, but MORE WARS and VIOLENCE has been waged under the name of religion and God than ALL other forms of human suffering COMBINED!!!

Let's look now at all the different kinds of taxes that Americans have to pay, shall we...
Income tax, payroll tax, fuel tax, state tax, federal tax, property tax, inheritance tax, capital gains tax, corporate tax, expatriation tax, sales tax... then there are a whole slew of licensing fees, registration fees, building permits and fees, poll taxes, consumption tax, environmental tax, and they're trying to shove a CARBON TAX on all peoples as a tax just for living and breathing as we ALL give out carbon dioxide as a bi-product to the oxygenation of our bodies in the breathing process. I'm sure there are even MORE taxes than that, like the gas tax, sin tax, etc.

Taking a step backwards I want to investigate the origin of this nation. In the 1750's there was a popular slogan "NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION". This slogan meant that the inhabitants, citizens, and workers of a nation had the RIGHT to have a decision in what taxes they paid to the government. It was even common in those days as we had more of an agrarian society for people to pay their taxes WITH the crops that they reaped from the Earth, like HEMP and tobacco. Our founding father found grievance with the English monarchy at the over-taxation on several fronts. First when the 13 colonies were founded, there was NO money other than the British pound. Like ALL central banks, the money was loaned out to the colonies at HIGH INTEREST making the colonies INSTANT SLAVES to the motherland, namely the BANK OF ENGLAND. Second the British taxed the hell out of consumable goods like tobacco, hemp, tea, cotton, and other products that were grown in the Americas and sent back to Europe, thus leading to revolts like the infamous "Boston Tea Party". The founding fathers did NOT want to be just another slave state to the Empire, so the Declaration of Independence was signed and ratified and thus began the revolution... or so we thought. I'm not sure if or how long this independence lasted, if at all... because the colonies were STILL dependent on Britain, France, Spain, the Dutch, and other European nations for their wealth, resources and support... see the Civil War if you need more evidence as the North was funded by one or more European nations, namely England, as the South was namely funded by France...

Skipping ahead a couple hundred years and things seem to be business as usual... for the BANKERS. Some of the most influential banking families of Europe descended into the Americas and over 200 years wore down society until they were able to get through the door, in an overnight hijacking of the American nation, they established the Federal Reserve, the ULTIMATE tool of enslavement for the American public. Before the FED, American currency was backed by REAL money, be it gold or silver. EACH DOLLAR was worth one ounce of silver and was known as a "silver certificate". Removing the GOLD STANDARD allowed the banking clans not only to directly influence American politics, but also to soften the laws in favor of large corporations, as they are primary funders for the banks themselves. It also allowed the banks to produce in excess millions, then billions, then trillions of dollars, unconstitutionally and illegally.
Hell, even the American government is nothing short of a corporation. This leads into current tax laws where the government is FORCED to abide by the FED regulations who continually use their power to increase the gap between the rich and the slave class of poor. They do this by controlling the interest and inflation rates, always to keep the little guy down so he can NEVER EVER get ahead... put simply those with money do NOT want to share... EVER! Put even MORE SIMPLY, the government is NOT the most powerful entity in the land, because THEY have to abide by the rules made by the FED as well. But who are these people of the FEDERAL RESERVE? Many of whom are Zionist Jews from the nation-state of Israel. Some are old banking families like the Rockefellers, J.P. Morgan, Rothschild, etc... many also are the same individuals or families from the Bank of England... so when I say that England is still pulling the strings for America, well, it's NOT untrue.
American policy for money and government is NOT being written by the President. It is NOT being written by the Senators or Congressmen or local state officials or even the "Supreme court". It is being written by un-electable individuals belonging to a cartel of banks and crooked individuals that do NOT care about the sanctity of life or your place in it. They do NOT care about whether or not the American way of life or ANY LIFE, for that matter, is preserved. They are OLD families that date back all the way to biblical times with OLD MONEY, power, and control over the masses, who they believe they OWN and can do with as they please. Geographical boundaries are a thing of the past, only left intact for the sake of keeping the sheep at bay, unaware of their own enslavement, a true free range human commodity to be bought and sold, much like the way this nation was founded on the exploitation of brown people. Then once slavery of black people ended, then the children were exploited, then women, then Irish were exploited, all the way up until now where it is 3rd world Asian nations and Hispanics exploited.
Who now are our "representatives" in politics that are supposed to do things "for the people"? They even swear on the bible, or sometimes the Masonic bible that they are going to serve the people... but even the politician with the best of intentions can be bought for a certain price, to change his/her stance on an issue in favor of the corporations, banks, and continuity of corrupt government. Once people get their hands into the pie it is impossible to get it back out, as they have sold their ideals and morals to the highest bidder, again at the expense of the masses. It is the good old boys club of secret society members, thugs, gangsters, and political pimps. On the rare occasion the system actually puts out someone who generally is patriotic and cares about the citizens who he/she represents, like Ron Paul, but this person will NEVER hold a major office like the presidency because he/she is NOT representing the status quo that keeps the masses in subservience with the largest corporations, bankers, and secret society members at the top of the pyramid scam...

Believe what you like, but it isn't going to stop the people on top from continuing to fuck you over. You may think you are being represented with this game of politics, but it is just smoke and mirrors, propaganda vs. truth. Somewhere behind a closed door or a curtain is the Wizard of Oz silently manipulating the real world agenda, an unseen face of an un-electable person who is so rich and powerful that he could feed the masses, provide economic stimulus, and actually heal a broken nation... but WON'T! That might be something that Jesus would do... 

American Conservatism

Once we recognize that Libertarianism is essentially neo-feudalism, and that it is now the dominant conservative philosophy of the Republica...