This is the Quiet Mouse coming back at you to bend your mind and unlock you from the Matrix that you have been born into.
Now I know many of you are gonna be wondering right away about the title of this blog... but we'll get to that in a moment, I want to talk about this Matrix first. Right now you are plugged in as you read this very blog I am posting. Right now you are plugged in as the media displays its message on that little box in your living room, blasting its propaganda 24 hours a day on hundreds of channels. You are plugged into the Matrix every time you read a magazine, go shopping, pay your taxes, go out to eat. You are plugged into the world that the American Monster WANTS you to see. Are they gonna show you all the good people in the world, probably not. Are they gonna show you the peace and prosperity, of course not... WHY?? Because that ISN'T what sells the image of what they want. They show violence, war, teenage pregnancy, violent drug use, cartels, and anti-american hate disinformation because: here it comes... just wait...
THEY WANT YOU TO BE AFRAID!! Yes it's true. Only a very small percent of the population, not just in the US, but in the world is actually committing these alleged crimes. But if we are going to acknowledge them as crimes then we need to know what crimes are, right?
Well guess who decides what a crime is?? I'll give you a hint... it rhymes with OUR GOVERNMENT!!
Now you can read my last blog if you want to know what part of our population moves these laws into effect. YEP: it's the Morality Police! So why do they want to criminalize our daily behaviors, you ask?
Good question. If you don't know the answer it's cause you've been locked into the Matrix too long. It is about FEAR, POWER, AND CONTROL. PERIOD. There is no alterior motive. That's it. They have controlled us all so long by telling us WHAT TO BELIEVE. By telling us WHAT TO BUY, HOW TO THINK, HOW TO ACT, WHEN TO DO IT... think I'm being paranoid?? Look around. Do you see people out in the streets talking about peace and love and devotion to humanity? Do most parents let their children play in the FRONT yard any more? Do you ever wonder why they only show us desert in the middle east, when it is a fertile area full of lush growth, trees, and life?
So what drives our country, our very economy is FEAR. We fear the unknown. We fear opposition of any kind. We fear the very country we live in, by THEIR design, so we will be stuck inside our houses watching THEIR propaganda box. THEY feed us crap in a box and have made fruits and vegetables a commodity instead of a staple. THEY shove the corn fed beef d@#k down our throats giving us heart disease and cancers so they can give us THEIR PILLS (whose side effects are often worse than the original sickness). Again, this is the Matrix of POWER and CONTROL. Keeps us docile. THEY FEAR REBELLION to this anti-American system, the system of greed and corruption. What have we done to stop them? Not much...
Change only starts with an idea. I want to provide you with INCEPTION. I want to help plant the seed in your mind to grow as a person and break your mind free. I keep saying it and I'm not going to stop... THINK!! Get your ass away from the tv. READ!! There can be NO value put on the knowledge in your mind. But YOU have to fill your mind with good information rather than the crap they show on television (except a few channels, like discovery and History, etc...)
But getting back to this NWO idea. Anyone who doesn't think we live in a highly POLICED STATE must be living in a cave. THEY (the gov't) WANT people to feel uneasy and scared so they can herd us easily like cattle or sheep. THEY don't want you to be outside exercising YOUR bill of rights!! For example, our first amendment: Freedom of Speech ranks like number 43 in the world for level of actual freedom!!
You're probably thinking "but Quiet Mouse, that can't be right..."
BELIEVE IT!! And if you don't... go look it up yourself. I highly encourage that!! Don't believe me. Please prove me wrong. I would love to sit here and think I'm just paranoid, BUT I'M NOT! It only goes down hill from there as I get on to my NEXT topic for this blog: THE PATRIOT ACT. The biggest injustice against the American people since the prohibition of cannabis and industrial HEMP!!
Well, my friends and fellow readers, there went our BILL OF RIGHTS! The CIA, FBI, NSA, Homeland Security and all those other law enforcement agencies... they just love treating Americans like criminals! It makes it easy for their vision of a NEW WORLD ORDER if everyone is ALREADY USED TO BEING TREATED LIKE CRIMINALS.
oops did I offend?? I hope so. In this terrorist nation you better bet your ass they are listening to YOU. Tapping your phones. Reading your texts and e-mails, not to mention all of your cell phone calls.
Speaking of cell phones... did ya know? THEY put a little chip in your phone so they can find you anytime, anywhere in the world. YOU have a tracking beacon held up to your ear. Think that isn't an infringement on your privacy? or how bout this little doozy...
Senator John McCain, the very one that almost became our latest president... whew! Glad that didn't happen. Well, this man thinks that every car in this country should have a little chip in it, kinda like your cell phone so they can track your every movement and even disable your car while you are driving it by killing the engine from a sattelite signal. Sounds a little Orwellian to me. Don't worry Big Brother IS WATCHING YOU!! Oh and his idea even goes further to have the insurance company hacked into your car chip too, so they can fine you immediately every time you break a driving law... again... THINK!!
So Quiet Mouse has been dancing around the issue and talking about the Matrix... yada yada...
Lets get into this NWO thing. Think it hasn't started yet. WRONG! Look at the newly organized European Union, touting themselves as the "New Bablyon"... oh yeah, they did go there. Guess who is at the head of the EU? Germany. What? What? Well here's how it breaks down. The Germans and Japanese couldn't beat us at a physical war back in WWII. WE went back into THEIR countries and helped rebuild them and MANY American corporations grew VERY VERY wealthy from WWII, including IBM who built the "computers" for Nazi Germany to track their captives, especially Jews, held in the concentration camps. So WE rebuilt their countries with laws like UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE that we CAN'T even get HERE. We rebuilt their infrastructures and what did they do? They spent the next 50 years kicking OUR ass in the world markets. They took OUR Wall Street and invested against US, betting that the American would crumble and fail under the pressure of this world market. Now the big question is "Why did they want our economy and world markets to fail?"
The answer is simple, so simple in fact that it eludes most people cause its right at the tip of our noses we can't see it. Control.
Once again, the super elite, fronted by the 13 oldest, most powerful families in the world, believe that human beings are cattle. We are an expendable commodity, bought and sold daily. ALL the wars we fight are waged by these families. ALL of our political leaders are descendants of these families. Most of THIS country's presidents are all related to Charlemagne, or European royalty. Look it up.
So how do they go about creating this NWO?
Well first and foremost, they create "world" organizations like the World Bank and the World Food Bank, UN, Nato, etc... Step 2, they destabilize other countries economies, INCLUDING OUR OWN. Why would they do this? Why would they MANUFACTURE WAR AND VIOLENCE? Well, so we are too busy being distracted while the lower 99% of us are getting bent over by the upper 1% aristocracy. The 99% of us at the bottom are busy fighting about who should win American Idol. We're also so busy arguing about race, gender, sexual orientation and other mindless banter. Can we really NOT see what is happening?
So. They initiate treaties like NAFTA, which is a forerunner of the North American Union, very similar to the EU. They destabilized the American economy and let illegal immigration run rampant, so the borders of this country start to blur a little. So when our economy DOES collapse, which it WILL (especially with Wall Street legally gambling with Americans money every day), WE will embrace willingly the open arms of our countries north and south for mutual economic advantage.
And our WORTHLESS American dollars, that are getting printed and valued like Monopoly money won't be worth much than to wipe our ignorant a$$es with.
Now I think a lot of people might think I'm making a strech with this, so look it up: THE AMERO.
This is the NEW currency of the Americas or the NAU. Approximately valued, and this will probably be worse when the time comes, at 1 to 10 of our current dollars. So for every $10 you give them, you will get $1 Amero back... but that sounds like a shitty rate of return. OF COURSE IT IS!! Its only purpose is to increasingly destroy the middle class to where there is only the rich and the poor, who will do ANYTHING to survive. Same old story: THE RICH GET RICHER AND THE POOR GET POORER... until we have a SLAVE WAGE WORKING CLASS.
They have already started this process. Don't believe me...
Look outside and see how many forclosed houses there are. Think this is an accident? WRONG... This is an intentional and deliberate design to take peoples freedoms away. THEY want to tell you how to think and what to do in your own home. Because if you are so AFRAID of the arm of the LAW, then most people will follow along quietly. THAT is why they treat EVERYONE like a criminal NOW. There is NO MORE innocent until proven guilty and our freedoms come SECOND to national policy.
There is time and there is still a choice. We can fall like the Roman empire did, or we can change our paradigm and rise above the pettiness and fighting amongst ourselves. We CAN promote the idea of equal rights once again, and this starts with HEALTH CARE FOR ALL, NOT just the rich and elite, in this American Aristocracy.
Want to support the REAL America?? Spend your money at smaller family owned stores. Encourage programs like LEGAL immigration. Lets turn our work force into something productive. Lets take the PRIDE back into the hands of the American worker. Lets give more effort each and every day to be HUMANE and thoughtful of others, poor or rich. Give praise to those who have fought and died for our way of life, less their memory be destroyed or taken away by this global monster known as CAPITOLISM!!!
WAKE UP!! We ALL are in this TOGETHER!!
Preach peace and love rather than violence, hate, and FEAR. Give friendship and love to all our brothers and sisters across the planet we call EARTH!!
This has been the Quiet Mouse coming at you with some heavy mind bending thoughts. THINK! LOVE! RESPECT!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Morality Police
Welcome back my friends. This is the Quiet Mouse coming back at you with some heavy duty info to bend your mind.
So check this out. I was watching the news the other day and I see this story about a porn shop next to a McDonalds. The deal was that all these people were up in arms about DILDOs being graphically displayed in the window for sale. This guy was on there like "I had to explain to my 16 year old daughter what a dildo was..." and I'm like SO WHAT!! Are we really that prudish in this country?? Wouldn't this guy rather have his daughter of 16 masturbating than out having unprotected sex with a teenage boy, who is by definition, NOT ready to be a DAD??
So lets examine this further, cause the Quiet Mouse is a little bit confused. Now I am gonna hate on a certain group a little bit here and if you are offended by what I say... GOOD! You need to wake up to the reality of the situation.
From the time that we all hit puberty, guess what?? WE ARE ALL THINKING ABOUT SEX and F*#KING!! So lets be real about it. How bout all you right wing christian bible thumpers who LOVE TO HAVE KIDS, get a grip on your own ego. Why don't we do the RIGHT thing and actually educate our children about the dangers of premarital sex and STD's, the proper use of condoms, pill, or whatever kind of prophylaxis needs to be used to cut down on unwanted and unfair teenage pregnancy. Teenagers are just mini adults, but just like underage drinking and drug use, the more we make it taboo and call it a "sin", guess what?? They are just gonna do it that much more. Plus they are gonna sneak around to do it as well.
So you're asking... "Well Quiet Mouse, what should we do?" I'm gonna tell you.
STOP BEING A PRUDE! QUIT ACTING LIKE SEX IS A CRIME OR A SIN! Everyone does it and that is NEVER gonna change. So all you bible thumpers out there let me hit you with this...
So lets get back to the education of our youth. How bout we be responsible as parents? Yeah, I said it!
Why don't we take the time to educate teens and even younger about the virtues of waiting until a proper age... like how bout one with a job and their own car, apartment, etc...
We as a culture have to stop demonizing personal behaviors. It is NOT our place to tell others what to do in their own home. And most of these behaviors would cease if we quit making them such a big deal in the first place. Plus wouldn't you feel better about your kids being at home masturbating than being teenage parents anyway? Think!! I keep saying it...
Next issue... Cannabis. No I did not say Marijuana, No I didn't say POT. It is CANNABIS! Much like the the underage sex issue, the underage misuse of this God given plant stems from misinformation and demonization by the MORAL RIGHT WING. Why don't we try a new tactic because this WAR on drugs has not only failed the country and caused us to go even further into debt, but the very money from the illegal market is funding the terror we so vehemontly abhor. Lets try this instead: if we decriminalize it, guess what? WE DON'T HAVE A JAIL SYSTEM FULL OF CRIMINALS!!
I know what you're thinking... "But Quiet Mouse it's a gateway drug."
I call bulls@#t! If people are gonna try cocaine, they are gonna do it regardless of weather or not they used cannabis in the first place. And if we decriminalized cannabis, the cops would actually have something to do getting the REAL DRUG killers off the streets like heroind and crack, murderers, and child molesters instead of harassing our youth and throwing THEM in jail, ruining their entire lives over a PLANT!!
Lets think about this... for all you religious folks. The bible states that God gave us ALL seed bearing plants for human use. Not just the ones we choose to villify. And if God is perfect and makes NO MISTAKES... guess what?? HE MEANT FOR US TO HAVE AND TO USE THIS PLANT! Just like he made Muslims... ah!
Lets look at this another way... How many people DIE every year from tobacco use?? How many people die every year from alcohol abuse?? Now how many people have died from Cannabis use?? anyone?? anyone?? 0, none, zilch, nada, nein, zip, zero... NOT A DAMN PERSON!
Ok, so you find the smoke offensive. I get that. I respect that. Don't smoke it. Don't hang out with those that smoke it. That seems simple enough, right?
But the least we can do is educate people about the REAL effects and the REAL uses of this wonderful medicinal plant. This plant can be used to make plastics, oil, fuel, clothing, textiles, food and hundreds of other uses, just like John Washington Carver figured out how to do with the lovable peanut.
Now we are gonna get into a sensitive subject, but the Quiet Mouse NEEDS to say this for all those Morality Police out there: IT IS NONE OF YOUR F@#KING BUSINESS WHAT A WOMAN DOES WITH HER BODY!!! Oh yeah, I said that!!
I do not condone murder or the end of life as we know it, I need to say first and foremost. But I have NO RIGHT to tell anyone, especially a woman, what to do with her OWN body. So lets say it like this...
Very few people in this world are actually PRO-DEATH!! Maybe the Nazis, Kim Jung Il, Sadam Hussein, and a few others... So lets not mistake this issue by those who want to make PRO-CHOICE into the wrong issue. The issue is this: YOU want to tell everyone what to do and how to do it. That is NOT choice. That is dictatorship!! If a woman wants to have an abortion: FINE. SHE can settle that with HIM when it is time!! YOU and I have NO RIGHT to tell HER or anyone else what to do with their body. And that goes with drinking, smoking, fornicating and whatever else. As long as it does NOT HURT CHILDREN... and I'm talking about the often forgotten ones that are ALREADY HERE!!
Where do the good christian values come in NOW? Don't see a lot of WHITE christian women raising BLACK crack babies that are lost in the system!!
This has been the Quiet Mouse... hate it or love it, I want PEACE!! NOT WAR!!
So check this out. I was watching the news the other day and I see this story about a porn shop next to a McDonalds. The deal was that all these people were up in arms about DILDOs being graphically displayed in the window for sale. This guy was on there like "I had to explain to my 16 year old daughter what a dildo was..." and I'm like SO WHAT!! Are we really that prudish in this country?? Wouldn't this guy rather have his daughter of 16 masturbating than out having unprotected sex with a teenage boy, who is by definition, NOT ready to be a DAD??
So lets examine this further, cause the Quiet Mouse is a little bit confused. Now I am gonna hate on a certain group a little bit here and if you are offended by what I say... GOOD! You need to wake up to the reality of the situation.
From the time that we all hit puberty, guess what?? WE ARE ALL THINKING ABOUT SEX and F*#KING!! So lets be real about it. How bout all you right wing christian bible thumpers who LOVE TO HAVE KIDS, get a grip on your own ego. Why don't we do the RIGHT thing and actually educate our children about the dangers of premarital sex and STD's, the proper use of condoms, pill, or whatever kind of prophylaxis needs to be used to cut down on unwanted and unfair teenage pregnancy. Teenagers are just mini adults, but just like underage drinking and drug use, the more we make it taboo and call it a "sin", guess what?? They are just gonna do it that much more. Plus they are gonna sneak around to do it as well.
So you're asking... "Well Quiet Mouse, what should we do?" I'm gonna tell you.
STOP BEING A PRUDE! QUIT ACTING LIKE SEX IS A CRIME OR A SIN! Everyone does it and that is NEVER gonna change. So all you bible thumpers out there let me hit you with this...
So lets get back to the education of our youth. How bout we be responsible as parents? Yeah, I said it!
Why don't we take the time to educate teens and even younger about the virtues of waiting until a proper age... like how bout one with a job and their own car, apartment, etc...
We as a culture have to stop demonizing personal behaviors. It is NOT our place to tell others what to do in their own home. And most of these behaviors would cease if we quit making them such a big deal in the first place. Plus wouldn't you feel better about your kids being at home masturbating than being teenage parents anyway? Think!! I keep saying it...
Next issue... Cannabis. No I did not say Marijuana, No I didn't say POT. It is CANNABIS! Much like the the underage sex issue, the underage misuse of this God given plant stems from misinformation and demonization by the MORAL RIGHT WING. Why don't we try a new tactic because this WAR on drugs has not only failed the country and caused us to go even further into debt, but the very money from the illegal market is funding the terror we so vehemontly abhor. Lets try this instead: if we decriminalize it, guess what? WE DON'T HAVE A JAIL SYSTEM FULL OF CRIMINALS!!
I know what you're thinking... "But Quiet Mouse it's a gateway drug."
I call bulls@#t! If people are gonna try cocaine, they are gonna do it regardless of weather or not they used cannabis in the first place. And if we decriminalized cannabis, the cops would actually have something to do getting the REAL DRUG killers off the streets like heroind and crack, murderers, and child molesters instead of harassing our youth and throwing THEM in jail, ruining their entire lives over a PLANT!!
Lets think about this... for all you religious folks. The bible states that God gave us ALL seed bearing plants for human use. Not just the ones we choose to villify. And if God is perfect and makes NO MISTAKES... guess what?? HE MEANT FOR US TO HAVE AND TO USE THIS PLANT! Just like he made Muslims... ah!
Lets look at this another way... How many people DIE every year from tobacco use?? How many people die every year from alcohol abuse?? Now how many people have died from Cannabis use?? anyone?? anyone?? 0, none, zilch, nada, nein, zip, zero... NOT A DAMN PERSON!
Ok, so you find the smoke offensive. I get that. I respect that. Don't smoke it. Don't hang out with those that smoke it. That seems simple enough, right?
But the least we can do is educate people about the REAL effects and the REAL uses of this wonderful medicinal plant. This plant can be used to make plastics, oil, fuel, clothing, textiles, food and hundreds of other uses, just like John Washington Carver figured out how to do with the lovable peanut.
Now we are gonna get into a sensitive subject, but the Quiet Mouse NEEDS to say this for all those Morality Police out there: IT IS NONE OF YOUR F@#KING BUSINESS WHAT A WOMAN DOES WITH HER BODY!!! Oh yeah, I said that!!
I do not condone murder or the end of life as we know it, I need to say first and foremost. But I have NO RIGHT to tell anyone, especially a woman, what to do with her OWN body. So lets say it like this...
Very few people in this world are actually PRO-DEATH!! Maybe the Nazis, Kim Jung Il, Sadam Hussein, and a few others... So lets not mistake this issue by those who want to make PRO-CHOICE into the wrong issue. The issue is this: YOU want to tell everyone what to do and how to do it. That is NOT choice. That is dictatorship!! If a woman wants to have an abortion: FINE. SHE can settle that with HIM when it is time!! YOU and I have NO RIGHT to tell HER or anyone else what to do with their body. And that goes with drinking, smoking, fornicating and whatever else. As long as it does NOT HURT CHILDREN... and I'm talking about the often forgotten ones that are ALREADY HERE!!
Where do the good christian values come in NOW? Don't see a lot of WHITE christian women raising BLACK crack babies that are lost in the system!!
This has been the Quiet Mouse... hate it or love it, I want PEACE!! NOT WAR!!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Every Dollar is a Vote for Policy
Hello, my friends... this is the Quiet Mouse coming back at ya again!!
So it hit me as something that needs to be addressed when I was at Taco Bell getting lunch and I see a man named Greg at the counter (so tagged "customer service champion"). Greg is a 50 something man who is actually very intelligent and we talked for a bit, between customers, about world policy since Taco Bell is fund raising to feed third world kids right now.
The most ironic thing is that we, as a country, would not have to provide food and welfare to all these countries if we had not destabilized their economies to begin with. I think that it is awful how in this country, primarily with our government subsidizing production of foods, mainly CORN; the rest of the world cannot compete with the low cost of our production to grow and harvest their own crops at a competitive rate in the global market, thus, we have created a monster of dependence on our cheap, often GMO, CRAP.
What is worse is that our country has the audacity to withold life saving AIDS medicine to these third world countries because they do not want to eat genetically modified or highly processed foods. Refined and processed carbs, sugars, and GMO foods have led to an overall decline in health worldwide, not just in the US... although the obesity rate in this country is blown way up recently. And why is this happening?
Lets start with the biggest culprit, not only to obesity, but the ever so quickly rising pandemic of type 2 diabetes as well as countless other health problems: HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP. Now just on a side note, HFCS is produced by using inedible corn that is processed with YES, believe this: SULFURIC ACID!!! How can our government justify subsidizing millions of pounds of inedible corn each year?? Well it is not meant for human consumption, but rather for animal consumption. But wait... isn't that bad for the cows and chickens too? YES, OF COURSE IT IS!! It is all about cheap fix to fatten up the animals, just like they want to fatten US up. Yeah, I said it!! The government believes that humans are much like cows, fat, lazy and stupid. So why not just fatten us up and keep us glued to the propaganda box where they are busy distracting us with bulls@#t like Jersey Shore on MTV that doesn't even play music any longer or all the supposed "reality" shows that only bring out the distrust and darkest sides of people's personalities. Or even worse than that we are stuck with arrogant a$$holes like Glen Beck or O'Reilly on FOX right wing propaganda news, telling half truths or just flat out lying to people, bending words of others to promote fear and anti-American news coverage.
But anyway... back to HFCS.
This is another processed product that does NOT OCCUR NATURALLY ON THIS PLANET. Our human bodies cannot process this molecule on a very basic level, and it quite literally tears holes in our kidneys, liver, and pancreas. Our bodies do not know how to process this molecule, so it is turned directly to FAT and stored for later while we pack on calories like bears hibernating for the winter. The problem is that we don't hibernate, nor do we exercise properly for that matter.
I know you're thinking, "Well Quiet Mouse... I just don't have the time to exercise."
Bull!! Remember how I said that every dollar is a vote. How much are you paying for cable television?? Netflix?? Redbox?? Eating out??
Every dollar we spend at McDonalds, Taco Bell, BK, or even the grocery store directly influences policy. But if we allow ourselves to get sucked into the Matrix (you'll hear me say this a lot!!) of high processed food and low processed body... then we are only going to get what we have always gotten.
Think about it like this very simply since most of us like Disney movies. I'm sure most of us have seen the movie "A Bug's Life", right? Well, WE are the ANTS... and the big business and politicians are the GRASSHOPPERS. Those jokers are sitting up on capitol hill laughing rolling in OUR money hoping to hell we don't realize their are many many more of US than there are of THEM!!
Think about that when you are in the grocery store next time!! Put down the Doritos with a hundred ingredients you don't know or cannot pronounce. Put back the TV dinners that are highly processed and full of unwanted and unneeded calories. Go with simple carbs like rice and pasta along with lean meats and nothing that comes in a box or a tube, YUCK!! Make it a plan to try at least ONE new recipe a week from scratch to start. Change starts with baby steps but it starts from WITHIN. We cannot rely on Washington DC to make the policies that WE should be making for ourselves every day!! Eat fruits, fresh, local and organic. Deny the pesticide companies thier place in the market. Tell companies like MONSANTO to eat a D*#K!! EVERY DOLLAR IS A VOTE!! Are you voting for crap? Or a healthier, smarter planet?
This has been the Quiet Mouse signing off once again.
Peace and love be with my brothers and sisters of all nations!!
So it hit me as something that needs to be addressed when I was at Taco Bell getting lunch and I see a man named Greg at the counter (so tagged "customer service champion"). Greg is a 50 something man who is actually very intelligent and we talked for a bit, between customers, about world policy since Taco Bell is fund raising to feed third world kids right now.
The most ironic thing is that we, as a country, would not have to provide food and welfare to all these countries if we had not destabilized their economies to begin with. I think that it is awful how in this country, primarily with our government subsidizing production of foods, mainly CORN; the rest of the world cannot compete with the low cost of our production to grow and harvest their own crops at a competitive rate in the global market, thus, we have created a monster of dependence on our cheap, often GMO, CRAP.
What is worse is that our country has the audacity to withold life saving AIDS medicine to these third world countries because they do not want to eat genetically modified or highly processed foods. Refined and processed carbs, sugars, and GMO foods have led to an overall decline in health worldwide, not just in the US... although the obesity rate in this country is blown way up recently. And why is this happening?
Lets start with the biggest culprit, not only to obesity, but the ever so quickly rising pandemic of type 2 diabetes as well as countless other health problems: HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP. Now just on a side note, HFCS is produced by using inedible corn that is processed with YES, believe this: SULFURIC ACID!!! How can our government justify subsidizing millions of pounds of inedible corn each year?? Well it is not meant for human consumption, but rather for animal consumption. But wait... isn't that bad for the cows and chickens too? YES, OF COURSE IT IS!! It is all about cheap fix to fatten up the animals, just like they want to fatten US up. Yeah, I said it!! The government believes that humans are much like cows, fat, lazy and stupid. So why not just fatten us up and keep us glued to the propaganda box where they are busy distracting us with bulls@#t like Jersey Shore on MTV that doesn't even play music any longer or all the supposed "reality" shows that only bring out the distrust and darkest sides of people's personalities. Or even worse than that we are stuck with arrogant a$$holes like Glen Beck or O'Reilly on FOX right wing propaganda news, telling half truths or just flat out lying to people, bending words of others to promote fear and anti-American news coverage.
But anyway... back to HFCS.
This is another processed product that does NOT OCCUR NATURALLY ON THIS PLANET. Our human bodies cannot process this molecule on a very basic level, and it quite literally tears holes in our kidneys, liver, and pancreas. Our bodies do not know how to process this molecule, so it is turned directly to FAT and stored for later while we pack on calories like bears hibernating for the winter. The problem is that we don't hibernate, nor do we exercise properly for that matter.
I know you're thinking, "Well Quiet Mouse... I just don't have the time to exercise."
Bull!! Remember how I said that every dollar is a vote. How much are you paying for cable television?? Netflix?? Redbox?? Eating out??
Every dollar we spend at McDonalds, Taco Bell, BK, or even the grocery store directly influences policy. But if we allow ourselves to get sucked into the Matrix (you'll hear me say this a lot!!) of high processed food and low processed body... then we are only going to get what we have always gotten.
Think about it like this very simply since most of us like Disney movies. I'm sure most of us have seen the movie "A Bug's Life", right? Well, WE are the ANTS... and the big business and politicians are the GRASSHOPPERS. Those jokers are sitting up on capitol hill laughing rolling in OUR money hoping to hell we don't realize their are many many more of US than there are of THEM!!
Think about that when you are in the grocery store next time!! Put down the Doritos with a hundred ingredients you don't know or cannot pronounce. Put back the TV dinners that are highly processed and full of unwanted and unneeded calories. Go with simple carbs like rice and pasta along with lean meats and nothing that comes in a box or a tube, YUCK!! Make it a plan to try at least ONE new recipe a week from scratch to start. Change starts with baby steps but it starts from WITHIN. We cannot rely on Washington DC to make the policies that WE should be making for ourselves every day!! Eat fruits, fresh, local and organic. Deny the pesticide companies thier place in the market. Tell companies like MONSANTO to eat a D*#K!! EVERY DOLLAR IS A VOTE!! Are you voting for crap? Or a healthier, smarter planet?
This has been the Quiet Mouse signing off once again.
Peace and love be with my brothers and sisters of all nations!!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Senseless hate
Hello my friends, this is the Quiet Mouse coming at ya with some heavy thoughts meant to change your thoughts and expand your mind. This is the first of what I hope will be a series of blogs, so I hope you all enjoy.
First I want to talk about all the senseless hate going on in regard to Americans against muslims. Are their beliefs so radically different than ours? The Koran teaches peace, same as the christian bible. It teaches to love thy neighbor, do not kill, do not commit adultery, just like the bible does. Is it not true that we all, as humans are born unto the Earth in the exact same manner, from our mothers? And it is true, that innevitably we shall all die. Everyone bleeds the same color red blood. So where does all the hatred and difference come in? Well, I have two very simple answers. #1: location. We are on the complete opposite side of the planet. Life is different here in America than it is over in the middle eastern, African, and Asian nations. They have had longstanding traditions and culture dating back much farther than our elitist American society. And we have to get past the assinine thought that just because other cultures and peoples do not speak English DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE STUPID (not at all)!!
#2 The Islamic people, just like Christians are basing their lifestyle off of an ancient book that sets a guideline for behavior. And just like with Christianity, muslims have extremists as well. Do not forget my friends: WE (Americans) invaded several soverign nations under the guise of terrorism. Haven't found 1 weapon of mass destruction YET!!
Here is the definition of terrorism for those who do not know:
The reason I posted this is to let people know that it DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY. We have the rights under the constitution of the United States to stand up and make our voice be heard by the squabbling politicians in Washington DC. We have the ability to stand united, despite the government's best efforts to divide us. Despite race, color, gender, age, sexual orientation or whatever people are predjudiced over... we are ALL THE SAME.
No matter what you call HIM, be it Jehova, Allah, Elohim, Yahweh, or whatever. Be you Islamic, Hebrew, Jewish, Buddhist, Taoist, Christian, Hindu, Wiccan, or even Pagan...
Benjamin Franklin was quoted as saying "there is no such thing as a bad peace or a good war"
WAR is for only one purpose: bringing terror and terrorism to other peoples and nations. This starts from FEAR and misunderstanding. The language barrier impedes most Americans from understanding the ways of the rest of the world. But if we can all just unite behind the 1 true fact that we are all the same, THEN AND ONLY THEN CAN WE STRIVE TOWARD PEACE
This has been the Quiet Mouse... peace be with you all
First I want to talk about all the senseless hate going on in regard to Americans against muslims. Are their beliefs so radically different than ours? The Koran teaches peace, same as the christian bible. It teaches to love thy neighbor, do not kill, do not commit adultery, just like the bible does. Is it not true that we all, as humans are born unto the Earth in the exact same manner, from our mothers? And it is true, that innevitably we shall all die. Everyone bleeds the same color red blood. So where does all the hatred and difference come in? Well, I have two very simple answers. #1: location. We are on the complete opposite side of the planet. Life is different here in America than it is over in the middle eastern, African, and Asian nations. They have had longstanding traditions and culture dating back much farther than our elitist American society. And we have to get past the assinine thought that just because other cultures and peoples do not speak English DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE STUPID (not at all)!!
#2 The Islamic people, just like Christians are basing their lifestyle off of an ancient book that sets a guideline for behavior. And just like with Christianity, muslims have extremists as well. Do not forget my friends: WE (Americans) invaded several soverign nations under the guise of terrorism. Haven't found 1 weapon of mass destruction YET!!
Here is the definition of terrorism for those who do not know:
- The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.
The reason I posted this is to let people know that it DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY. We have the rights under the constitution of the United States to stand up and make our voice be heard by the squabbling politicians in Washington DC. We have the ability to stand united, despite the government's best efforts to divide us. Despite race, color, gender, age, sexual orientation or whatever people are predjudiced over... we are ALL THE SAME.
No matter what you call HIM, be it Jehova, Allah, Elohim, Yahweh, or whatever. Be you Islamic, Hebrew, Jewish, Buddhist, Taoist, Christian, Hindu, Wiccan, or even Pagan...
Benjamin Franklin was quoted as saying "there is no such thing as a bad peace or a good war"
WAR is for only one purpose: bringing terror and terrorism to other peoples and nations. This starts from FEAR and misunderstanding. The language barrier impedes most Americans from understanding the ways of the rest of the world. But if we can all just unite behind the 1 true fact that we are all the same, THEN AND ONLY THEN CAN WE STRIVE TOWARD PEACE
This has been the Quiet Mouse... peace be with you all
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American Conservatism
Once we recognize that Libertarianism is essentially neo-feudalism, and that it is now the dominant conservative philosophy of the Republica...
Namaste and welcome to another exciting edition of the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back, my blog where I talk about issues that other people don...
G'day and welcome back my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers to a special edition of the Quiet Mouse Stikes Back!! Glad to h...