Friday, November 20, 2020

America's Lock-Down FAILURE

Namaste and welcome to the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back.

Those who know me can attest that I am a CST or Certified Surgical Technologist that works in cosmetic/ plastic surgery. I supported the lock down to reduce the spread of this pathogen along with the implementation of social distance, masking, and hygienic hand washing/ sanitizing practices, per CDC and other regulatory agencies guidelines. 

Dr. Fauci and other leading infection control doctors and scientists have all agreed that the worst of this pandemic could have lasted somewhere between 2 weeks to 2 1/2 months IF ALL Americans would have complied with the SUGGESTION of these precautions in social distancing and masking. Donald Trump LIED and LIED and HID THE TRUTH from the American people calling it a "hoax", "China Virus", "Kung Flu", and "Democrat conspiracy", among other nonsensical lies and slurs aimed at foreigners and liberals while DERELICT of his own duties as POTUS. At the BEST this nation has done is around 55% national compliance with the recommended Covid 19 precautions listed by the CDC. That's abysmal and embarrassing, on an international stage, for the ACTUAL CARING members of our society and to those abroad that look to the United States for hope and guidance. 

Look at Japan and Sweden for example, cases are going down there, but up here. Why? Because everyone just wears the mask there and they live in a more polite society, in many ways compared to the United States. I'm done debating with folks on it. My rights don't end where another's begins. That's not how a "free" society is supposed to be. I care about more than just myself. I served honorably in the Navy for the freedom and prosperity of this nation, that includes ALL the people, not just those that think of self over everything. I'm not at all saying that's you, but it's a sad yet prevalent attitude in our society that I'm struggling to understand. I think of it in a similar way that conservatives think about abortion. If we are outwardly yelling "all lives matter" then that includes the most fragile members of our society first and foremost. We don't do these things because they are convenient, we do them because we are good honest people that WANT to do the right things, by each other (and God, for many). If we can save a life by our lone contribution, then we have helped. I'm not about the eugenics. I think all life has value and that's where society has gone wrong. Humans have value, possessions are material. But society is rather opposite, it places high value on traits like dressing in fashionable clothing, owning big cars and big houses and having material wealth is most important, it devalues human life because we are worth more than the sum of our possessions and human labor capitol.

Let's be honest, though... due to the systemic FAILURE of the Trump administration and it's science illiterate/ science denying Cult of personality, TOO MANY Americans have died SENSELESSLY... WELL OVER 200,000. We are up to nearly 1,000 deaths PER DAY, NOW with NO END IN SIGHT!

I am absolutely NOT siding with the idiots, BUT I think it's legitimately time to END the failed lock downs (that barely over half are even exercising and participating in) and get back to business as a nation. This does NOT signal a win for the GOP, but a FAILURE as a nation, divided and likely doomed for a worse fate of many more deaths. I DON'T want anyone else to die, but as a medical worker, I can say assuredly that MOST of our patients LIE and don't follow basic pre- or post- surgical guidelines when they HAVE real necessity due to risks of complications. Americans have lost a bit of credibility with the world. 

The entertainment, hospitality, manufacturing, and service industries have been hit the hardest by this Covid pandemic and many Americans are facing huge medical bills, foreclosures, evictions, and/or dismal prospects UNTIL they are released from furlough and brought back to work with income and gainful employment; benefits like healthcare.

Suicides are up. Depression is up. Alcohol and drug use is up. Spousal abuse is up. See a pattern?

Is it an end-all, be-all solution to this problem? ABSOLUTELY NOT... poverty is on the rise as 11.8% of Americans are estimated to be not getting enough to eat, currently. That's over 1 in 10 Americans. 

Rioting and social unrest are given fuel for the fire when those protesting, many of whom WANT to go back to work to relieve their plight with a steady income stream, cannot. Among their other issues with social justice reform. 

Even before the pandemic it has been made clear by authorities that the precautions asked for now in the Covid response are the SAME universal precautions we SHOULD HAVE ALREADY BEEN FOLLOWING. 


In lieu of the obvious, nearly half of Americans clearly don't respect or care about one another enough to show the basic levels of decency and decorum to stop the spread of this pathogen. Ergo, I personally, think we should just STOP all the lock downs... with a caviat, being those simple restrictions listed above. 

With a vaccine looming on the horizon and we're now into the twin-demic of cold and flu season mixed with the Covid pandemic. I can tell you most assuredly that locking folks up inside has actually led to and is currently leading to MORE Covid exposures, NOT LESS, as this pathogen spreads best in warm indoor spaces where people are not masking and not following social distance guidelines. It is the antithesis of disease control if everyone is stuck inside and spreading it MORE to one another than they would have, had we just let everyone have the free-for-all the GOP so desperately desires with their claims at "God-given immunity" and "herd immunity".

Let them go to church.

Let them super-spread this pathogen among their circles.  

Let them go to watch Nascar and football. 

IDGAF any longer.  The Darwin Award goes to the science deniers and illiterate base of the GOP. May your God save your souls and all those of the people you hurt along the way.


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