Friday, August 19, 2016

Get Your GEEK On!

Namaste and welcome once again to my blog. As a reminder to my readers, this is an 18+ adult blog, NSFW, often controversial, sometimes offensive, and occasionally funny, lol.
I've been busy lately going back to school. I'm in my late 30's, so it's NOT as easy as it once was. Times have changed. Kids and a wife keep the home life busy. I'm excited about having a vacation coming up in a few days. Stay tuned in because I'm gonna blog about that when I get back from Mexico. So, I'm sure that you saw the title of this blog and were intrigued about what I was gonna say. Let's jump in why don't we...

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I'd say with a good amount of certainty that there are more people that have been bullied or picked on at some point in their lives than those who have not. You might have been called a geek, nerd, spaz, goofball, dweeb, dork, freak, weirdo, weenie, nutcase, screwball, misfit, reject, etc. I'm here to let you know today that as of NOW, all of that is a clean slate, done and gone, washed away like the water on a duck's ass. I'm also here to let you know that it is 100% okay to let your freak flag fly as high and bright as you desire. Here's why...
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I like to use sports as an example. Many of the same people, the jocks or cheerleaders, that may have called you names or made you feel bad about yourself in the past are just as big of geeks as those whom they picked on. But that slate is clean now. It's not only okay to forgive, but it is also mutually beneficial to all involved to do so. Holding in resentment and anger only affects YOU, and NOT the person you are holding the anger and resentment toward.
Honestly, though, many sports fans ARE the geeks that were picked on and/or weren't athletic enough for the team. Some don't want to or cannot play, but are fine watching on television or simulating the experience on the Xbox or Playstation.
What is unique about sports is the wide variety of people that are interested and follow the sports, pretty much from all walks of life. This is the important part. Sports, music, sex, and marijuana bring together people from all walks of life that would not normally fit in together in a social setting. They transcend language, gender, and many cultural barriers. If you need evidence of this to be true just look at the Olympics that just took place. People from all over the world put aside their differences and competed in a manner that showed class and sportsmanship to all nations, all genders and sexual orientations, races, and colors. Now THAT is cool. Segregation and hate = NOT COOL.
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This idea isn't just limited to the subject of sports though, I was just using that as the first example of my point. In a much similar way, I think that it is okay for people to like what they like without fear of judgments of others who are just INTO different stuff than you. Not everyone likes sports and that's okay too. To me there is no difference between being an extreme sports fan and dressing up in your jersey and putting on body/face paint and screaming at the top of your lungs in support of your favorite team vs. being as equally passionate about Pokemon or Star Wars/Star Trek or even My Little Pony for all the Bronies (and Denver Broncos fans) out there. I'm here to tell you that it's okay to be passionate about WHATEVER YOU WANT TO BE PASSIONATE ABOUT!!! As long as it doesn't hurt children or animals, do what you do. If you want to dress up like Ash and go hunt Pokemon on your Pokemon Go app, OKAY! If you play in the band or an instrument and love to step out and play to your heart's content, I say OKAY! If you want to play online Xbox with your friends and play Halo 5 and wear comic book t-shirts, OKAY! If you want to dress up and self identify as a Jedi/Sith and LARP with expensive replica lightsabers that make sound effects when you bash them together, OKAY! If you are into BDSM (as long as it is mutually consented), wear leather ass-less chaps, and spank your partner, and that's your thing, OKAY! If you're an adult male and you still watch cartoons like Adventure Time, Regular Show, Transformers, or even My Little Pony, etc... even if you got the t-shirts, stuffed animals, coloring books, bed sheets, or whatever... I say OKAY! If you are a big fan of Marvel or DC comic books, t.v. shows, and movies and you want to get tattooed for your favorite superhero or dress up in Cosplay for ComicCon, I say OKAY! If your thing is more down to Earth and you just want to sit back and smoke a doobie and hug trees, plant a garden, read books, or whatever... again, I say OKAY! If your thing is to be a cook or a chef and play with your food like your parents told you not to, then don't worry what the haters say, cause I say OKAY! These are just a few examples, but there are so many more out there like playing Yu gi Oh, watching Naruto or Dragon Ball Z, playing Magic the Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons, Diablo, all the way to designing and making clothes, watching WWE, writing books or short stories... et cetera, et cetera, et cetera...
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The point really is that it DOESN'T MATTER what you are into. The point is to do what you do with PASSION, but above all... Do what you do WITH OTHERS. No matter what you are into and choose to geek out on, there will ALWAYS be others, somewhere, with the same interests who are probably looking for someone JUST LIKE YOU to share that same interest with. Embracing your inner geek is a wonderful thing for a number of reasons...
1) Self acceptance is VERY IMPORTANT. NOTHING will make you feel more accepted than to find a group of other individuals who enjoy the same things you enjoy to geek out on.
2) The acceptance from others is also VERY IMPORTANT as we humans are indeed social creatures that seek out others to feel comfortable and accepted around.
3) It's good to get out of the house. Whatever you do, get UP and GO DO IT! Sitting on your ass feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to make friends. No one wants to be around a person who constantly wallows in self pity.
4) Networking. From the new friends you meet in pursuing your geeky-ness you may be able to find larger events or groups that support your hobby or interest. Also, you might discover a talent for something new that you hadn't previously thought of.

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Your inner geek passion shouldn't be like your Vanilla Ice CD that sits hidden away like something shameful to hide from the world. Embrace your inner geek. Embrace your passions. Work hard AND play hard. Life is too short for you to hide your passions. Let it be a fire to ignite and motivate you to be a rock star at whatever you do. Don't let other people make you feel bad about being who you are inside. This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

MAN-struation and Pussification

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Namaste and welcome my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers. Today is a good day overall and I hope that it is finding happiness for you as well. Unfortunately, my topic of interest today doesn't have the best overtone, but I assure you that this discourse is meant to inform and hopefully not cause tensions. This blog is NOT aimed at ALL young people, nor all young men. It's just to talk about a growing number of pussified youth that is becoming a serious problem in this nation.
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So, I'm an observer of life. My avid readers would have surmised by now that I am well traveled, well educated, and well informed. Be that as it may, I've seen across my lifetime a general dumbing down and pussification of American men. Sure a lot of guys still like drinking beer, watching football, and looking at titties at my age or older, but starting around my generation and going backwards, guys are becoming much less like guys to be honest. The interest in sports, hunting, and labor for the younger generations has waned. Much of this, I believe unfortunately is due to the increase in video game players, both male and female. In fact, having children of my own, I know for a fact just how difficult it is to get them to do ANYTHING but want to be electronically entertained for hours on end. As a culture we went through the goth phase, and the emo phase. Now we have the androgyny/technology phase where gender is fluid, everyone is bi, and it is difficult to differentiate who is biologically male vs. female and vice versa. Many are plugged in and tuned out to reality... and it's quite sad.

On a secondary note, I've also noticed how television and movies have dumbed down the male image by portraying men as fumbling oafs incapable or much besides going to a job and sitting on his ass getting fat, at least in the home life but now edging out into other avenues. It really started in the 80's with portrayals of incompetent male figures like Homer Simpson and Al Bundy, in my opinion.
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We're facing a LOT of discrimination these days with police brutality at the forefront of news. Black Lives Matter. Trump wants to build a wall to keep out Mexicans. Extreme feminism. KKK. Voter suppression. BET awards... And gender discrimination is as old as time, even though secretly women really run the world, even though they are rarely put into positions of high power due to a male-dominated business world...
But things are changing. Women have stood up over the last several generations and have demanded an equal place in the work force. They are well on their way to equal pay, which they rightly deserve. I want to state for the record that yes, as a man, I AM sometimes sexist, like as in I like to look at boobs and write blogs about eating pussy. I don't think sex is something that people should be ashamed of. In all the history of mankind, EVERYONE, EVER, has thought about sex. Some have taken vows of abstinence and never had the pleasure, but I bet they jacked off thinking bout some pussy... but if we KNOW that everyone has and does have sex then what's all the issue? Gender issues, usually communication, or the lack thereof are likely to blame. Some dumb guys too have fucked it up for other nicer guys by sending unsolicited cock pics to young impressionable girls that are... tada... getting the WRONG impression of men.
Here's the skinny... a LOT of the problems are due to the fact that there are a LOT of young men that don't have good male role models these days. Some dads are in prison, but the majority are busy working the grind to bring home the bacon for the family, gone for extended periods of time. Many young men are left being primarily raised by the women. Combine that with the lack of sports and outdoor extracurricular activities due to the constant electronic stimulation and you have young men that are much more effeminate than prior generations that would go out and work the fields and do hard labor with their fathers. Instead they'd rather stay holed up inside with their cell phones and video games whining and complaining about a lifestyle that most other people on the planet envy, mad because they didn't get the new iPhone or Xbox, clueless to reality, only thinking of selfish interests with no concern for others including the parents who pay for this standard of living which they complain so fervently about. This is what happens in the television and entertainment pussified generation. No motivation. No skills. No ambition. No penmanship. No integrity or honor. No clue that a little hard work would make EVERYTHING better for everyone around them, INCLUDING SELF. Some however, even into adulthood, are unable to get past these basic psychological stepping stones in order to grow up and be an adult. Being 18 doesn't make you a grown up. EFFORT does.
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Mad props to the legend, manly man Clint Eastwood for calling out millennials as being the "pussy generation". It's true though. And it's not just the kids though. Many adults too are suffering from a case of acute puss-itis, getting all sensitive about "triggers" that get them all worked up and stressed out over the wrong issues. Society is falling apart and pussies are worried about butt hurt feelings because someone like Donald Trump says something "mean" about illegal immigrants, for example.

I originally meant to end this blog on a more positive note, but really... why bother? My humble opinion is just that: MY opinion. Hopefully others may agree with me. I think the real answer to the problem is taking the issue back full circle to the beginning. The solution for the pussification of our youth, among others, is hard work. Folks in general have too much free time that is WASTED on the wrong issues like whining, finding excuses, being lazy and selfish, and acting like the world owes you something just for your mere existence. MOST of the societal problems we have in the U.S. center around stupidity and selfishness of the citizens: not all, but WAY TOO MANY...
People in general are just way too spoiled in our current society. Not that long ago people grew their own food and farmed the land with hard labor. People had to make their own clothes, their own milk and butter, build their own houses, go shit in outhouses because their wasn't proper plumbing or fresh water. People didn't get to bathe or even eat as much. We live in the land of plenty and yet still people want to complain about what they don't have more than being appreciative for the benefits and blessings they do  have...
On top of that, we have to stop making stupid people famous and then acting shocked when the smoke and cameras disappear that they are just fucked up people, like us, who have their own issues and are unworthy of the pedestals they have been placed upon. If people would emulate the hard work of their forefathers and NOT emulate spoiled, selfish, "celebrity" bullshit... If we glorified family, humanity, the environment, hard work, and helping others as much as we glorify fake ass people, greed, selfishness, apathy, and laziness... well, we'd ALL be better off. I'm an idealist. I KNOW that's not the reality we live in.
Apparently being the voice of sanity has become a mental illness.

American Conservatism

Once we recognize that Libertarianism is essentially neo-feudalism, and that it is now the dominant conservative philosophy of the Republica...