Today I want to discuss tattooing. The practice of inking the skin with artificial dyes has been going on since 4 to 5 thousand years B.C.E. so this is nothing new to the human experience. The modern Christian churches would have you believe that your body is a temple and thus should NOT be marked upon. I however beg to differ. I spent time going and worshiping in the L.D.S. church and they held the same negative view of tattooing as well.
For all the haters out there who don't understand, let me put it to you like this...
If your body is a temple, why should you NOT decorate it? I have been in Mormon temples and churches of many various denominations, Christian and otherwise. Nearly ALL temples and churches I have EVER been in have paintings up on the wall, statues for all to see and/or intricately woven tapestries. If MY body is a temple, then I should indeed take the visual cue that it is indeed OKAY to decorate MY TEMPLE, YES!!
If it is NOT okay for THEM to decorate their temples, as they have advised US not to decorate OURS... then THEY need to have an auction of all their ornate decorations, paintings, tapestries, and ritualistic ornamentation's and do some good with that money by actually helping people instead of confusing them.
On the flip side of the coin, I must admit that there are those, like anything else, that take the practice too far. I think there is a tasteful level of modesty that aught to be understood. I would agree with the Christian ideal of NOT having disturbing images of satanic origin, demonic, or flat out lasciviously lewd content tattooed on your body. I also think that it is unnecessary to have tattoos covering your face making it impossible for the adorned person to find a job.
Right now I have 12 tattoos and plan on getting a few more. My tattoos all have meaning though. Some people just get retarded shit inked on their skin on a humbug, or often because they are dumb enough to go get one DRUNK or otherwise inebriated. This I would highly advise AGAINST.
Tattoos hurt, let's not kid ourselves here. There is a certain level of pain tolerance one must have to even attempt the process of receiving a tattoo. The time it takes to receive this tattoo ultimately depends on the method used and how large and detailed the transferred image will be.
So lets recap... Tattoos are NOT evil in and of themselves, it is only the nature of the IMAGE you want that may be good or bad. Tattoos of devils and demonic stuff are only evil if you intend them to mean something of an evil nature. Tattoos DO HURT; often A LOT!! You must be prepared to take care of it for a while afterwards. I recommend A&D Ointment personally. Be tasteful with your tattoo. Do NOT drink alcohol before being tattooed because it will thin your blood and cause you to bleed more. Have your tattoo actually MEAN something!! TO YOU!!
Do NOT, I repeat DO NOT get your boyfriend or girlfriends name tattooed on you!! If you want to get your kids names: FINE!! No one wants to be a "Wyno forever" like Johnny Depp after he broke up with Wynona!
Ladies and gentlemen, this has been the Quiet Mouse. Peace be with you. Get inked up tastefully.
Love. Respect. Harmony.
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