The other night I stayed up, yes, even though it was a school night. I stayed up and watched a documentary by Christopher Smith called "Collapse". I would recommend highly that ANYONE READING THIS BLOG should go online to Netflix or YouTube and watch this video IMMEDIATELY. I don't want to merely recycle back what was said on the video to you, but for the sake of this NEED TO KNOW info, I will do my best to go over the main points and then add my own commentary mixed in.
I am NOT an expert on global economics. I am working on my first degree right now in nursing, although I DO have some political aspirations that may or may not be looked into deeper in the future, once I finish with school. I do NOT wish to cause any kind of panic by what I am going to tell you here today. All I am asking is for you to actually USE the brain that the divine creator engineered for you.
I am going to start a little off subject with some psychology for you, so please read carefully and follow along. I AM trying to convince you of something here today and I sincerely hope that you walk away from this blog SCARRED FOR LIFE!!
In life changing situations EVERYONE goes through the 5 stages of grief as I will list for you momentarily. The reason I am going to start with this is because MANY of you who read this will think I am either crazy, lying, or just trying to scare you. This is NOT true. I ONLY desire for you to understand and ACCEPT this as being true. but first you have to get past the first stage:
1) Denial
For many people will not want to accept the truth. Many people cannot or will not wake up from the Matrix of lies and illusion.
2) Anger
Much of the world is in THIS stage right now. There is a lot of misplaced anger because people are fed up with dishonest and greedy government officials. But this is only the tip of the iceberg... it WILL get worse before it gets better.
3) Bargaining
No matter how much you want to talk your way out of this, you cannot change what is already happening and the events that surround it.
4) Depression
I personally believe that the profundity of the REAL reality once it hits and sinks in will be like a pair of concrete shoes... and it WILL hit some harder than others.
5) Acceptance
Huh? But Quiet Mouse, I thought you were gonna talk about oil?
Okay, okay... I was getting to it. Slow your roll.
Let's talk about "peak oil" for a moment. If you don't know what it is... look it up, please. I can wait...
As of approximately 2006, the world hit it's peak oil production. Like any bell curve, what goes UP, must come DOWN. WE as a world and as a nation NEED to understand that we have hit top and we are on the way back down. Global oil production is down, as admitted by the International Energy Agency, 9 to 10 percent in the last 5 years and will only continue to go down as there is a FINITE amount of resources on this planet. We will NEVER be able to have "cheap" fuel again as we have in days gone by before it hit it's peak. As it is, we are producing approximately 18 million barrels of oil a day and it is only a matter of time until it runs out.
Saudi Arabia has 25% of the worlds' total natural oil reserve and even THEY cannot stop what is happening. Hell, even Saddam Hussein KNEW that oil was going to be a big commodity. HE wanted to raise the price in Euros, NOT American dollars, which would have put US as a nation belly-up... So what did we do? We invaded so we could get a cheap source of oil to keep flowing under the guise of "terrorism" and WMD's (which were all destroyed by Bush Sr. in the first Iraqi war back in 1991). Besides, it is a moot issue anyway. There is NOT enough oil in Iraq or anywhere else to make a difference. It will NOT change ANYTHING! It is ONLY prolonging the inevitable!!
Satellite imagery has been used to find the last isolated pockets of oil left on the planet now, which are dwindling rapidly as we speak. There is NO oil reserve on the ENTIRE PLANET that THEY don't know about. The United States uses the MOST oil of any nation on the planet... what are we going to do when it runs out? Our ENTIRE nation is based on petroleum!!
Think about THIS for a moment... EVERYTHING in this society, our very way of life, the "American Dream" is all based on the idea of perpetual upward growth, which is based on UNLIMITED RESOURCES. This bill of goods that you and I have been sold on for all our lives is a LIE!! THERE IS NO INFINITE RESOURCES!! We have RAPED and PILLAGED every corner of the globe looking for oil. We are, as we speak, fighting for the GOD-DAMNED polar ice caps, hoping and praying that WHEN they melt, they might find some oil under there. It is a FOOLS ERRAND, I tell you!! THEY have KNOWN that this is happening since the 1970's. Hell, THEY didn't even think that the oil would last THIS LONG!!
THIS is the REAL reason for all the money and power grabbing, the scrapping and prancing around the world like we own the mother-fucker! We are the largest consumer, therefore, we feel the need to TAKE what we think is OURS and we call it "imminent domain". Oil is in EVERYTHING we use and consume. It is in the cars we drive. It takes 7 gallons of oil to make ONE tire for your car. 5 quarts of oil to lubricate the engine. The car doors are made from oil. The paint is made from oil. The machines that build the cars are fueled with oil. It is in pens, plastic bags... well, plastic ANYTHING. It is used to make petroleum jelly (Vaseline), cups, bowls, spoons, forks, computer parts, televisions, video games, cell phones, etc... see where I am going with this? They even use it to make medicines. Fossil fuels are used to power our cities, to run ships that bring us fresh fruits and vegetables from South America in the winter, where it is still summer there.
You MUST accept the fact that the oil is FINITE. You MUST understand that it WILL run out sooner rather than later, and you MUST accept that this IS going to happen whether you want it to or not. Denial will not help. Anger will not help. Bargaining will not help. Depression will not help. ACCEPTANCE is the only thing that will help. The world as we KNOW it WILL shut down without oil. Things don't break UP, they break DOWN!!
Here is the part that is scary and emotional... please do not be alarmed and please keep reading. Not if, but WHEN the oil runs out, which WILL be in our lifetime, civilization as we know it will come to a grinding halt. Without oil, our government WILL stop working... when that happens:
-Mail stops being delivered
-Air traffic controllers (and others) don't get paid, so they don't go to work, therefore NO planes will fly, same goes with shipping of any sort.
-Bridges and highways don't get inspected and will fall apart
-FDA inspections don't get made, food doesn't make it to the stores
-Maintenance of all sorts stop working... many of our cities like New York, Washington D.C., and New Orleans will be taken back by nature
-Law enforcement stops working... thus part of the reason they are preparing us all for MARTIAL LAW!!
It dawned on me now that THIS is what all the FEMA coffins are for. Without oil... MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WILL STARVE TO DEATH!! Food isn't going to be shipped and NOT ENOUGH people CAN or KNOW HOW to actually farm the land. NOR is there enough resources to continue to feed the nearly 7 billion mouths on this planet.
Don't believe me? Look at Africa and other third-world underdeveloped nations.
The people that have been autocratically ruling this planet and pulling the strings for so long KNOW that they are LOSING CONTROL. ALL of their efforts are in desperation to keep things as they are NOW, with THEM living like fat cats at OUR expense.
Further proof of what I am saying can be found at the turn of the 1900's as oil made it's start in our society. Humanity experienced a MASSIVE population boom going off the charts. We have used oil to create a standard of living that is and has NEVER been sustainable. It is axiomatic (look it up) that if you take the oil away, the population will also start to go away. There is NO rise without a FALL. You can look at ANY great civilization throughout history to see the truth in that. The same will happen to US just as it has happened to the Greeks, the Sumerians, Egyptians, Aztecs, Myans, etc...
EVERYTHING is breaking down and there is a direct correlation between the state and national debt AND the decline in ENERGY PRODUCTION worldwide. Infinite GROWTH has collided with FINITE energy and the deficit is a thus result. WE have passed "peak" EVERYTHING!! There is NO other resources to tap into! NONE!! There is NO amount of human ingenuity that can overcome what is happening. It is simple quantifiable physics at this point. As I said, the ONLY thing we can do is learn to accept it in order to move on from there... in order to LIVE through the transition phase as we move away from the industrial/technological age to the POST-industrial/technological age.
Please do NOT PANIC!! Once the antiquated government collapses, which it will, there will be a transition phase as a NEW stable civilization emerges. We must NOT prepare for "the end" because it is NOT the end, only a transition to a new age of humanity. The problem as I see it is the disconnect humans have with the planet. The ONLY way to survive in the future will be to actually FARM the land, anything less will end in disaster. Critical thinking is going to be essential for survival in the new world.
In this new world, EVERYTHING is going to HAVE to be grown locally since there will be NO Starbucks or Macy's, NO Wal-Mart or Fred Meyer. People will be forced to migrate away from large cities in order to survive. Large cities are NOT sustainable. Period!!
Survival as an INDIVIDUAL... you will FAIL. It is only as a village or tribe, loved ones taking care of one another, will we, as a species survive. We WILL face global extinction if we do not evolve and adapt. We will have to balance the horror and pain of the transitory phase with LOVE, SMILES, and PLAY. The human spirit will endure.
As the oil runs out, we WILL face human extinction on the impact level of the asteroid that hit the Earth and killed the dinosaurs. Governments are failing because they are based on archaic thoughts for OUR way of life. We MUST find a balance to the circle of life. We MUST find a way to balance OUR needs with the FINITE resources of nature and the animal kingdom. It is time for us to GROW UP! We MUST evolve or we shall perish. We MUST embrace life and STOP trying to hide from it and pretend things do not exist just because we choose not to think about them. The very ESSENCE of our humanity as "human beings" has been covered up and hidden under a bunch of BULLSHIT and LIES!! WE belong WITH nature, NOT apart from it. The LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil! and IT has the potential to drive all of humanity to the verge of extinction. There are NOT enough resources or money left for THEM to try to change the system now. THEY can ONLY prepare for the coming storm. I have spoken of this coming storm many times now in my blogs. THEY are preparing for the worst... What are you doing? If the answer is nothing or you are busy being distracted by the Matrix, or you are in denial... I feel sorry for you. I don't want you to die, but it is either evolve in thought or perish.
For those of my friends and family from Face Book, I want to say this:
Obama is NOT the cause of this problem. He is merely the figurehead who inherited this MESS! Think about America as the Titanic. Many believed that the ship was unsinkable, even after it was hit by a massive iceberg. Obama is just the captain of the ship. He is a PRISONER to his position, to the government, to politics, and to economics. We should NOT be resting the fate of this nation or the fate of the world on HIS shoulders, he is merely ONE man. THEY just made him captain so people will think it was HIS fault and will have a face to put with their ANGER as THEY too go through the stages of grief before they too can reach acceptance for what WILL happen. We are facing what potentially could be the greatest Holocaust in human history, our OWN mass SUICIDE. WE have killed ourselves and this planet for far too long. We must repent and CHANGE our antiquated thought processes NOW or there will be NO hope for the future survival of our species, homo-sapien.
All is NOT LOST. As long as their is HOPE and BELIEF that we can overcome ANY obstacle, then there IS a way out of this situation. If enough people are WILLING to change their MINDS, then the world can change around us. It will NOT be without sacrifice. You WILL have to learn to live without cell phones, television, and internet. You WILL be asked to participate in the cultivation of the land for survival.
As always, it is entirely up to YOU. I cannot make you see things the way I do. I cannot tell you when this will happen. BUT... I CAN tell you to prepare yourself. Strengthen your mind and body NOW!! THAT will be the key to your success in the new dawn of humanity in the post-petroleum, post-industrial future.
This has been the Quiet Mouse. If I have shocked or scared you... I apologize. I only seek to wake you up and show you the truth, nothing more. If this has caused you to put down the garbage and re-analyze the situation, good. If not... again, I am sorry. But if this doesn't cause you to change your OLD HABITS and reorganize your priorities, then NOTHING will... and by the time you figure it out, it may already be too late. The ONLY thing that you can do is spread love and form your tribe or village now. Learn how to grow your own food and work the land before it is too late.
Peace. Love. Acceptance. Truth. Knowledge.
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