Today I am admittedly pissed off. If you were expecting a happy go lucky kind of blog, well, it's not gonna be here today.
No need to beat around the bush, so lets just do this thing like I always do.
Apathy (also called impassivity or perfunctoriness) is a state of indifference, or the suppression of emotions such as concern,excitement, motivation and passion. An apathetic individual has an absence of interest in or concern about emotional, social, or physical life. He or she may exhibit an insensibility or sluggishness, also. Often, apathy has been felt after witnessing horrific acts, such as the killing or maiming of people during a war. It is also known to be associated with many conditions including depression.
"The opposite of love is not hate, it is apathy."
I think it is the general state of Americans to be apathetic. There is a basic state of depression going on in the United States and in other places throughout the world right now. EVERYONE knows or at least senses the problems as global economies collapse, housing markets and trade markets crumble under the weight of massive amounts of derivative debts that are so insurmountable that our grandchildren and their children will be still paying those debts for many many years to come.
I was on Facebook earlier today and I was reading a blog thread from one of my fellow Americans that was basically saying that we should "level the Middle East, steal their oil, and turn the whole thing into a parking lot." As with many times during and after my military service in the US Navy, I felt ashamed to be an American today. Are we really that detached from reality that we can cast judgement on our fellow HUMAN beings in such an apathetic way? The global elite WANT for humans to fight amongst one another the way we have been for so long. While WE are busy fighting senseless wars based on trivial issues like skin color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, social habits (such as cannabis use), ethnicity, etc... THEY are busy monopolizing like this planet is a damn game from Parker Bros.
Americans are busy sounding like Nazi Germans during the persecution and murder of the Jews. AS IF somehow it is okay to kill brown people or anyone else. You want to make the Middle Easterners YOUR scapegoat of persecution, that is your personal agenda. But to lie to yourself or anyone else and try to act like stealing away someones home, their land, and their future is okay? Well, that's just the American way, huh? We did it to the Natives. We stole their lands, killed and raped their women, and drove them all the way from the East coastal areas to Oklahoma on the "trail of tears"?? Nope, we didn't learn our lessons then either so we just went over to Africa and did the same thing to the BLACK people... All in the name of "progress" and "growth". Kinda sounds to me like what is going on NOW in this nation, except this time we are doing it to one another, in particular the Hispanic population that is working in sweatshop like conditions so large corporations can continue to make RECORD PROFITS! We did the same thing back in the days of the height of immigration to the Irish who were forced into indentured servitude (a.k.a. slavery). Are you getting a sense of this pattern that we just KEEP going through??
Americans are just peachy keen with the whole idea of exploiting one group or another as long as we can have our Starbucks lattes, cell phones, Internet, and overpriced shopping malls. Basically as long as NOTHING interrupts the status quo, Americans can just keep going on living an ignorant life. Anyone who tells me that "ignorance is bliss" obviously has NEVER BEEN EXPLOITED. The exploitation of the masses for the gains of a privileged few IS "the American dream"... any other way of trying to spin this is just yet ANOTHER DELUSION concocted by the egocentric and anti-human elite to keep Americans buying into the illusion that maybe, just maybe one day you too can be like them... WRONG! They won't let that happen because it is THEIR little elite club.
Let me give you a good example of my point I just mentioned above. Think about the lottery... ever hear of anyone who has made their own life better who has won? Ever hear about how much good they did for the community? For charity? For starving humans over in Africa or Asia or even here for the millions of starving Americans?
Not likely... Newly made millionaires from lottery winnings are almost guaranteed to go right back to being broke sons of bitches within 5 to 10 years of winning the lottery. Why is this? Because they think they just got an open checkbook to spend spend spend all they want to their hearts desires. Money DOES NOT and WILL NOT EVER buy you happiness. Happiness comes from within and the easiest way to find happiness is to HELP SOMEONE ELSE. Lottery winners are generally only concerned with their own selfishness and ego. Having a brand new house full of junk does NOT happiness make. Many lottery winners are burdened with higher taxes, depression, and MORE bill collectors than the average Joe. Lottery money is highly believed to be CURSED as it is indeed BLOOD MONEY. For every million dollars that a person wins in the lottery there is a million LOSERS (minus 1 perhaps)!!! Yeah, I said it!
Want to know about the American dream? Millions of people throwing away their money and savings because their pensions, homes, and dreams were bought, sold, or flat out STOLEN from underneath their feet. They can HOPE and PRAY for those 5 or 6 "lucky" numbers, but you just WON'T win. Hell MANY of the winners DIE before they can even spend it all. Talk about a curse...
Back to the overall topic, which ISN'T the lottery.
Apathy rears its ugly head in EVERY facet of American life. The way we treat one another. The way we treat our planet. The way we litter, deforest, strip mine, and every other way we have exploited, raped, plundered, and pillaged this land we call home. We even take it one step further as we try to separate ourselves from the horrific and tragic events that we have initiated upon our fellow human beings. As if the war across the sea is just so far away that we can pretend it is happening to someone else besides the American soldiers that are coming home with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, addicted to pain killers and other drugs to ease their distraught minds from the pain and suffering they have not only witnessed, but aided and abetted in the cause and implementation of.
What is worse is that when you TRAIN a person to be a KILLER, that never goes away. The person may come home to friends and family, but they are NEVER the same person you once knew. Where once there was a patriotic, loving citizen, now we have a whole group of wife beaters, abusers, murderers, and degenerates. Gang association within the military is continually on the rise as well, as standards are dropped to let even the least qualified person into the service... as long as THEY can train YOU to kill kill kill...
Americans need to wake up from this false reality and see that WE, as a nation, ARE THE AGGRESSORS! WE ARE THE TERRORISTS in the eyes of the world! In Libya... WE put Gaddafi in power. In Iraq... WE put Hussein in power. In Afghanistan... WE gave Bin Laden his power...
It pains me to hear my fellow Americans as they condone violence across the globe. WHY?? Is it NOT PAINFUL ENOUGH to lose a family member or loved one from natural causes, let alone a WAR based upon lies, misinformation, and a profit driven petrochemical funded war machine??
The nation of ISLAM is NOT the enemy!! The enemy is the person that seeks to divide and conquer ALL of humanity! The ENEMY is the person who wants you and I to live in a perpetual state of fear and hatred of our fellow brothers and sisters... We are ALL children of the SAME God for crying out loud!!
All that is needed for the forces of evil to triumph is for enough good men to do nothing.
This has been the Quiet Mouse. I think there are a lot of good people still left in this nation. I think that there are enough good people to CHANGE the wrongs that have been done. There IS still time. What are YOU gonna do about it. If you call yourself a Christian as so many people in this nation do... then YOU should know better than anyone the lessons of Christ and his atonement for SIN, lest you keep on repeating the same mistakes of the past again and again.
Peace. Love. Respect. Truth.
I am not ready for a World War 3, but if people keep thinking and acting the way they do, I have no doubt it WILL happen.
ReplyDeleteEven if we did go over there and take the oil, is that going to get us out of the billions and billions of debt we have? Will our prisons be less crowded? Will people stop committing senseless crimes against each other? I think not.
I agree that it isn't too late to make changes, and we need to start YESTERDAY!