Namaste. Thank you for joining me today; I hope your day is going well wherever you happen to be. Let's jump right down the rabbit hole today to discuss the topic of America's caste system. Bear in mind these are only my own personal opinions. I welcome the opinions of others if you wish to join as a fan of this page or to just leave comments at the bottom. This IS an ADULT BLOG, so please bear that in mind. If you are a sheeple, please go read someone else's blogs.

Where to start... seems like a big issue. Shit seems to roll down hill, so let's just start this discourse at the top of the list with:

This is where all the real wealth is: modern aristocracy like corporate executives, international bankers, and "nobility" like queens and other royals. This upper crust is made up of the 13 primary families and their offshoots that I have talked about in other blogs with names like Rothschild, Dupont, Rockafeller, etc. They are the owners of all the gold, gemstones, precious metals, land, resources, transportation, and media, et. al. They start ALL the wars (including the war on drugs, which they run and launder money, guns, etc. for) and finance BOTH sides so they will always come out winners and the bottom 90+% get NOTHING but dead loved ones and immeasurable, insurmountable DEBT designed solely to keep them in economic slavery.
Education, proper health care, and land ownership are nearly exclusive to this class.
Also remember that even though it is spread through the media THEY own, these wealthy people are NOT Jews, Christians, Muslims, or any other man-made religion that they purport onto the poor, huddled masses. LOOK UP "BOHEMIAN GROVE"...

Next we have what I call the REPRESENTATIVE CLASS
This group of posers are first hand lap dogs to their slave masters, the so-called "elite": Puppet-politicians, lobbyists, fake "celebrities", entertainers, athletes, and religious leaders.
Those in this group are used directly by the upper class to show the lower classes the unrealistic ideals of those on top of this pyramid scam. It is NEVER a realistic goal for someone from the lower classes to become "rich". This leads many of whom the rich call "peasants" to lead constantly unhappy lives, always reaching up toward acting like the slave masters. Happy people don't need to buy endless streams of material possessions OR emulate the parasites above: unhappy people DO. Why do you think the media is so negative and seldom shows the many acts of kindness and love? Those radical ideas don't sell corporate agendas of keeping the "peasants" unhappy so they will keep buying and consuming endless amounts of crap.

White collar workers, unions, doctors, low level bankers, Wall Street thieves, etc. This group idolizes the representative class, pays the MAJORITY of the taxes, and they live in resentment and near constant fear of becoming part of the poor class.

Simply put it's just the military, police, alphabet spy agencies, etc. Poor or middle class people that are hired by the representative class to keep the status quo as set by the upper class.

Mostly filled with blue collar workers. At this level there is LOTS of debt, low wages, living beyond means, always in fear of poverty keeps them going to shitty jobs where the benefits keep getting cut. This group is also rather large (but not for long, the rich keep trying to eradicate the middle class so there is only rich vs. poor). Much of the societal burden is placed here with increased costs of fees, licensing, taxes, certifications, college, debt, etc.

Lastly we have the POOR, LOWER, SLAVE CLASS
The poor are filled with the disabled, homeless, minorities, jobless, farmers, unskilled workers, former lower "middle class" members, illegal aliens, societal outcasts, mentally ill, and slaves to the corporate agenda. They are often under-educated, forced to do horrible jobs for horrible wages, receive poor or no health care, own no lands, pay little to no taxes, and are kept around to strike fear into the "middle classes". On the East coast many of the larger cities are in the practice of removing the "undesirables" from their communities and shipping them off to FEMA camps so the upper class doesn't have to get their hands dirty or see the toll of their selfish, greedy lifestyles. The poor are the first to get pushed into the enforcement class to go off and fight wars and DIE for the rich slave masters. They are also often seen at government offices waiting in long lines, applying for state-sanctioned "benefits".

If you hadn't figured out that this is a pyramid scam by now then you must be blind. I know that ignorance is bliss and all, but it's only blissful for the ignorant, those who choose to turn a blind eye to the reality of the world around them. WAKE UP!!! The world is collapsing around us and everyone is worried about who's going to the Super Bowl or who is on American Idol. Snap out of it, PLEASE. If you are awakened, please help awaken others. This is unnatural, immoral, and wrong on so many levels, yet there are still so many SHEEPLE that won't or can't see the truth around them. Just one random act of kindness toward a stranger per day, per person would IMMEDIATELY make the world a better place. We don't have to have a revolution or civil war or world war to incite the REAL CHANGE that is so desperately needed to heal our broken homes, our broken streets, and our broken "society".
This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Honesty.
Where to start... seems like a big issue. Shit seems to roll down hill, so let's just start this discourse at the top of the list with:
This is where all the real wealth is: modern aristocracy like corporate executives, international bankers, and "nobility" like queens and other royals. This upper crust is made up of the 13 primary families and their offshoots that I have talked about in other blogs with names like Rothschild, Dupont, Rockafeller, etc. They are the owners of all the gold, gemstones, precious metals, land, resources, transportation, and media, et. al. They start ALL the wars (including the war on drugs, which they run and launder money, guns, etc. for) and finance BOTH sides so they will always come out winners and the bottom 90+% get NOTHING but dead loved ones and immeasurable, insurmountable DEBT designed solely to keep them in economic slavery.
Education, proper health care, and land ownership are nearly exclusive to this class.
Also remember that even though it is spread through the media THEY own, these wealthy people are NOT Jews, Christians, Muslims, or any other man-made religion that they purport onto the poor, huddled masses. LOOK UP "BOHEMIAN GROVE"...
Next we have what I call the REPRESENTATIVE CLASS
This group of posers are first hand lap dogs to their slave masters, the so-called "elite": Puppet-politicians, lobbyists, fake "celebrities", entertainers, athletes, and religious leaders.
Those in this group are used directly by the upper class to show the lower classes the unrealistic ideals of those on top of this pyramid scam. It is NEVER a realistic goal for someone from the lower classes to become "rich". This leads many of whom the rich call "peasants" to lead constantly unhappy lives, always reaching up toward acting like the slave masters. Happy people don't need to buy endless streams of material possessions OR emulate the parasites above: unhappy people DO. Why do you think the media is so negative and seldom shows the many acts of kindness and love? Those radical ideas don't sell corporate agendas of keeping the "peasants" unhappy so they will keep buying and consuming endless amounts of crap.
White collar workers, unions, doctors, low level bankers, Wall Street thieves, etc. This group idolizes the representative class, pays the MAJORITY of the taxes, and they live in resentment and near constant fear of becoming part of the poor class.
Simply put it's just the military, police, alphabet spy agencies, etc. Poor or middle class people that are hired by the representative class to keep the status quo as set by the upper class.
Mostly filled with blue collar workers. At this level there is LOTS of debt, low wages, living beyond means, always in fear of poverty keeps them going to shitty jobs where the benefits keep getting cut. This group is also rather large (but not for long, the rich keep trying to eradicate the middle class so there is only rich vs. poor). Much of the societal burden is placed here with increased costs of fees, licensing, taxes, certifications, college, debt, etc.
Lastly we have the POOR, LOWER, SLAVE CLASS
The poor are filled with the disabled, homeless, minorities, jobless, farmers, unskilled workers, former lower "middle class" members, illegal aliens, societal outcasts, mentally ill, and slaves to the corporate agenda. They are often under-educated, forced to do horrible jobs for horrible wages, receive poor or no health care, own no lands, pay little to no taxes, and are kept around to strike fear into the "middle classes". On the East coast many of the larger cities are in the practice of removing the "undesirables" from their communities and shipping them off to FEMA camps so the upper class doesn't have to get their hands dirty or see the toll of their selfish, greedy lifestyles. The poor are the first to get pushed into the enforcement class to go off and fight wars and DIE for the rich slave masters. They are also often seen at government offices waiting in long lines, applying for state-sanctioned "benefits".
If you hadn't figured out that this is a pyramid scam by now then you must be blind. I know that ignorance is bliss and all, but it's only blissful for the ignorant, those who choose to turn a blind eye to the reality of the world around them. WAKE UP!!! The world is collapsing around us and everyone is worried about who's going to the Super Bowl or who is on American Idol. Snap out of it, PLEASE. If you are awakened, please help awaken others. This is unnatural, immoral, and wrong on so many levels, yet there are still so many SHEEPLE that won't or can't see the truth around them. Just one random act of kindness toward a stranger per day, per person would IMMEDIATELY make the world a better place. We don't have to have a revolution or civil war or world war to incite the REAL CHANGE that is so desperately needed to heal our broken homes, our broken streets, and our broken "society".
This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Honesty.
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