Welcome back my friends and fellow knowledge seekers... I am here today to put a funny spin on an otherwise less than humorous topic
"But Quiet Mouse... it's NOT funny!"
Ah really... come on... if we can't laugh at ourselves and make light of the issues... what has this world come to?
So the urban dictionary describes this wonderful time of the month in very crude terms... Shibby!
Here are some of the common terms for a woman's period .
Menstruation, Aunt Rose, checking into the "red roof inn", ragging, on the rag, ragtime, crimson tide, red wings, cousin red, red river, "that time of the month", etc...
Some men are ready and willing to raft the red river, but I wouldn't recommend drinking from it, lol...
Generally speaking, us men find this time of the month to be much more than an inconvenience or pain in the ass...
While it IS TRUE that Aunt Flo is a cock-blocking bitch... Often the side effects of hormone imbalances, endless cramping, and the obvious MESS is enough to make any woman OR man cry... but how bout we have a paradigm shift and take this time to IMPROVE our interpersonal relationships between the genders??
We could be using this crucial time as a couple to work on our communication, social skills, family values, etc... There is NO replacement for quality time. How bout we use it wisely and productively?
Now I know as a man that sometimes you just want to get some... I get that... SHE gets that... but let's be honest (cause that's how I roll)...
She puts up with your cranky ass during YOUR "MAN-stration", so buy her some tampons, pads, and/or some Midol and chill out a little. You'll be right back in the sack before you know it... the only reason you're pissed off is because you can't have it NOW.
Seems like these days we as Americans, have NO patience for anything... but that kinda leads me on to the flip side of this argument:
Now this next statement is NOT directed at every woman, only the ones... well, bitch... you know who you are. LISTEN UP! Your period is NOT an acceptable excuse for acting like a heinous troll towards your man.
"Oh fuck, QM! You'd better stop now while you are ahead!"
Yeah, I can hear all the comments from the peanut gallery on this one, but follow along and hear me out. If women want understanding and compliance from us during her time of need, then just like I said in the "Suck His D*CK!" blog... perhaps if you (MEN) bend over backwards and take care of your woman... she might find that extra free time good for sucking on your dick. Just saying.
Now ladies...
This may sound a bit misogynistic, but let's be honest here... Your pussy might be broke for a week, but instead of bitching at your man and running your mouth... there are other, better options for your mouth. And I know it isn't for everyone... but your ass isn't broken either... just saying that it doesn't HAVE to be a week without ANY sex or sexual acts. That is just selfish. If nothing else, help a brother out by giving a hand job... donate porn and KY to your man if you are just so physically laid up and unable to perform or lend a hand to your man. But once again... it doesn't look good if your man is bending over for you and you aren't reciprocating back. We have to take care of one another's needs in a relationship... just like when you are NOT on your period any longer... you know DAMN WELL that your man is ready to eat out all night at the pink taco stand... just saying
So to wrap this up MEN need to be there and be supportive of his woman during this stressful time of the month. You WILL get some soon, so please be patient.
Women... keep that shit clean and washed. No one likes that rusty, copper blood smell. We all know it's there... just some discretion would be nice. Men prefer to NOT have gory and explicit details shared with them about your menstruation... those stories are for your girlfriends, NOT your boyfriends, please.
Besides that... just keep taking care of and supporting one another: MEN during her time of the month, WOMEN during his time of the month... We all have cycles in our hormones and we all have stress. Either way it is NOT acceptable to mistreat the opposite gender. And ladies... one last thing... exercise has been PROVEN to reduce the cramping and hormone imbalances!!
This has been the Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Empathy. Truth.
I love this blog and agree lol, as they say...'Do unto others', cause thou who gives SHALL receive!