Hello once again my friends, followers, and open minded knowledge seekers! Well, if you don't know me by now, I AM the one and only Quiet Mouse.
I think society gets the idea that all men are misogynistic assholes and incapable of true feelings of relationship pain. A lot of people are confused and believe that EVERY man is constantly looking for something better, as if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.
Perhaps this is true... maybe it ISN'T true either. I think truth is all a matter of perspective. Most of things just ARE... WE are the ones, as humans, who feel the constant need of labeling everything and we also feel the need to over-complicate many many things, especially relationships.
So I am gonna state some of the thoughts of men, and I do not necessarily support or condone the theories here... just sharing info:
1. "Commitment and monogamy are a woman's idea"
In the animal kingdom (which we DO belong, by the way) there are only a few other animals that mate for life. There are many more species that the under-riding function is reproduction and propagation of the species... however as humans we have the ability, although not necessarily the brains, to defy our basic instincts and CHOSE a life more meaningful than the sharing of fluids in our genitals... again, some people do NOT possess this ability to STOP having kids... or maybe it's their fucked up archaic, outdated religion that tells them to "be fruitful and multiply" so they have more kids than they can monetarily handle.
2. Women outnumber men on this planet
It is about 60% women and 40% men on this planet. Why? Well, women naturally have a longer lifespan than most men. This is in addition to WAR, prison, and other factors that limit the number of available men to be potential baby's daddy's.
3. All women are bitches.
I don't support this theory, but I also do NOT like when a woman feels like she has to be proud of her insecurity and hatefulness towards men. It is NOT the next guys fault that you were hurt by other men in the past. PERIOD. A lot of women run off a good man because of hateful talk and actions based on previous relationships. This goes both ways since both sides act like they are justified in their heinous actions towards those of the opposite gender.
4. Sex is the most important thing in a relationship.
There is no doubt that physical attraction is pivotal to the beginning of a relationship. This is pretty basic on our human instincts. However on a Freudian level, if everything is about sex and aggression then why the pretentiousness and faking of it all. People need to get rid of the "Wonder-where-the-fuck-they-went" bra's, the fake eyelashes, the tube sock in the pants, implants, plastic surgery, and all the other bullshit that is NOT who you really are. Let's be honest, looks and pretentious ideas like weight can and DO change. Everything changes in life, people WILL get old and wrinkly. It happens despite how much people work out or wear the special make-up. At the end when all is said and done we ALL have to face the person in the mirror and we ALL have to talk to the person laying in the bed next to us.
Okay, so my synopsis is that the majority of people are afraid and insecure of the opposite gender. But like what I said about the green grass earlier is this: it's the same grass on BOTH sides of the fence, it's just the shadow that changes your perspective of what your lawn looks like that is skewed.
Also, NOT every man wants to be single OR divorced. Like many women, men are also led to believe from Disney movies, books, and society that love will be everlasting and true. This is a LIE. Any relationship from marriage to parenthood, or vice versa, a child to parent relationship requires lots of EFFORT!!
Most people in this day and age of wastefulness, anger, and disappointment are confused because life is NOT a Disney movie or some cheese-ball romance novel that is written by a woman. Life, like relationships takes a lot of effort and the sad fact is that a lot of people (men and women) are NOT willing enough to put out the effort it takes to repair the rifts that WILL eventually form in a relationship. A man and a woman will NEVER agree on everything. It just will not happen, and besides, wouldn't life be boring if we all thought the same way?
So back to the divorce part: making mistakes is part of the life experience and NO, not everyone that gets married is actually MEANT to last forever... as if we really have a concept of that depth of time and space anyway, hahahahaha
But Quiet Mouse, me and my man have been together for years and we never fight...
I say fantastic! Congrats that you have been able to find that ONE person to give you unconditional love. I personally feel that the very idea of unconditional love grows with maturity. Unfortunately our sexual hormones do NOT go quite so slowly.
It DOES take adversity and strife for us all to have a basis for comparison to appreciate the good times. It also DOES suck when you want to be with that forever person but are all alone in the world. What's worse is that many people assume that because a man is divorced that he WANTS to be separated from his children too. Granted there ARE a lot of asshole losers out there who do NOT take care of their children, but it isn't the same for everyone. WE, myself included, all need to stop generalizing and making presumptuous thoughts about who and what a MAN is. A REAL MAN is the one who takes care of his kids despite divorce or separation from the mom.
The world DOES need more men to stand up and act like a real man and take care of those kids. But what happens when the man DOES want that relationship with his children and has to fight with the kids mom to get adequate visitation time?
Questions ring through all the time, but sometimes answers aren't always so clear
As for me, the Quiet Mouse... I've made more than my fair share of mistakes in relationships. Do I enjoy being single again after many years of marriage? Not really. Am I glad to be out of that relationship with the ex? Of course, but lets make a distinction here: even though I do not want a relationship with this person, does NOT that I wish any ill will or pain, NONE AT ALL. In fact I wish her the most happiness in the world. I hope she is able to find that special someone too one of these days. More importantly is that I did NOT get divorced from my kids, only their mom. Remember that fellas.
Final thoughts would be that I think people need to work on themselves first and foremost before being able to accept and share their life with someone else. Communication IS paramount for making let alone keeping a relationship. Work on how you talk to one another and please please please heed this next line.
If you treat yourself like a whore or slut... guess what??? That is EXACTLY how you will be treated back by others.
This has been the Quiet Mouse once again!! Keep your hearts open, honest, and secure... you DON'T need a relationship for this, but if you DO have it... it WILL make your future relationships that much the better. And you MUST love yourself before you can invite someone to join hands with you. This doesn't have to be selfish, in fact altruism is much more potent of an emotion.
Peace. Love. Truth. Respect. Honesty.
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