Thursday, November 29, 2018

EXCELSIOR: R. I. P. Stan Lee

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Sadly, this posting is coming rather late posthumously than I had intended to post it. Got busy with work and whatnot, but join me if you will to commemorate the life of a legend: STAN LEE.
I wish that this day hadn't come. Some say that it's not the length of ones life that matters, but in how that time was spent here on this Earth. Stan Lee created a world like no other, with help of guys like Jack Kirby, among others. I just want to briefly commemorate that life. I am not an expert on this man's life, nor did I know him in person, just a lifelong fan of his lifetime achievement.
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After his military service, Stan Lee lived in New York city. He, along  with the likes of Jack Kirby, among others, created a comic universe based in a real city, with real to life characters who had human experiences, emotions, and could be related to by the comic book fans. The story telling allowed the fans to believe in larger-than-life heroes and to imagine a world of impossibly dark villains, galactic struggles, and the need for unity in the fight against evil.
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There are too many heroes Stan Lee created to list them all here, but some of my personal favorites are: Captain America, Spiderman, Hulk, Thor, and the rest of the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Howard the Duck, the Fantastic 4, Silver Surfer, Blade, the Defenders, Captain Marvel, Captain Britain, Union Jack, Korg, Yondu, Squirrel Girl, Spider Gwen, War Machine, Black Panther and the Wakandans, Ghost Rider, Falcon, Black Widow, Doctor Strange, Adam Warlock, Wolverine and the X men, Ant Man and the Wasp, Cassie Lang, Hank Pym, Nick Fury, Vision, and S.H.I.E.L.D., among countless others...
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Countless villains like Galactus, Loki, Abomination, Thanos, Red Skull, Ultron, Norman Osborne/Green Goblin, Elektra, Sandman, the Mandarin, Winter Soldier, Yellowjacket, Magneto, AIM, the Wrecking Crew, the Grandmaster, Mysterio, Mystique, Kingpin, Bullseye, the 10 Rings, Hela, Ego the living planet, Ronin the Accuser, (Questionably Iron Man), Baron Zemo, Doctor Octopus, Venom, Carnage, Kraven, Hobgoblin, the Brotherhood, and many others...
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Stan Lee had a power to tell massive stories that kept the audience enthusiastically enthralled. For that, his fans will be eternally grateful. I want to believe that he has left the world a better place through his story telling. I also want to believe that Stan Lee is in a better place now, assured of the impact he has made on so many lives.  He will be missed. His vision, however, will not be forgotten by his fans and will live on through the comics and the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).
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Thursday, November 8, 2018

Dark Ages Ver. 2.0; Flat-Earthers, Superstition, and Heresay

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Namaste and welcome to my blog, my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers. I genuinely want and try to see the best in people. I fear, however, that due to archaic and antiquated religious beliefs and teachings, combined with an inadequate public "education" and lack of desire for real needed change (since everyone wants change, but not to have to change): I believe we are not starting, but we are balls deep in another Dark Ages V 2.0. Buckle up and join me, won't you, as we go down the rabbit hole that is this subject.
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Science, technology, and knowledge are the keys to our future generations as a species. We live in an amazing time where all of these things are so readily available for humans to learn... and yet we live in a society where intelligence is frowned upon; geeks and nerds are made fun of for educating themselves BEYOND the confines of the school age system.  There has been a purposeful dumbing down of the masses, for sure, but why are people going along with it?
Legendary writer Samuel Clemens a.k.a. Mark Twain once said "It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." Our so-called education system is a joke. Many Americans can't even properly speak English, yet get mad at foreigners who speak our language with an accent...
No education system is going to work on a population that doesn't want to learn, grow, and evolve, i.e. the Grand Old Party or GOP and its' conservative Christian constituents. Sadly, the subjugation of the masses is complete. Constant distractions, petty fighting, and a fervent media/social media have kept any real issues from being addressed and/or resolved. Racism, bigotry, and intolerance abide. This 2018 midterm election cycle proved that once again,  just as the 2016 election cycle did: that there is a LOT of ignorance and prejudice in this Divided States of America. Too many people have sacrificed their basic humanity, love, empathy, compassion... over these invisible, yet divisive party lines, each assured that the other is fueled by Satan or some other evil malevolence like the Nazis or communists... The truth is that it is US as human beings who are fucked up. With all the information at a fingertip. With mountains of PROVEN scientific evidence. With the Internet ablaze on EVERYONE'S cell phone. There is ZERO excuse for this level of inhumanity, selfishness, laziness of mind, soul, and body; greed, gluttony, envy, sloth, wrath, pride, and lust are everywhere. Where are the bright young minds? The free-thinkers? The light-bringers? The indigo children? Where is this so called age of Aquarius?
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We could have had flying cars, unlimited energy, food, and surplus for all to enjoy. We could be out exploring the galaxy with warp drive engines, like in Star Trek or Star Wars, for example. But for the greed of the few, and the ignorant complicity of dumb sheeple that vote for their favorite wolf or snake-in-the-grass.
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There are even stupid people in this country that think chocolate milk comes from brown cows. Many of these same people, despite massive scientific evidence still act like stone age cavemen and think that the Earth is flat, for fuck's sake...! Despite the fact that is not possible in the realm of physics. Despite other celestial bodies in our own solar system, let alone the galaxy being orbs, rather than discs or plates. Despite the laws of gravity. Despite the knowledge passed down from centuries and eons of learning... there are still ignorant fuckers who only read ONE book and think they have ALL THE ANSWERS ABOUT LIFE. Pshaw... Copernicus. Galileo, Newton, Einstein, Tesla, Edison, Bell, Franklin. Oppenheimer. Von Braun. Jobs. Maw. Gates. And so many others have created the sciences and technologies that were meant to pave an easier future where mankind would reach higher into the heavens and touch the infinite beyond.
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We're stuck here on the third rock from the sun (Sol) with dumb shit people who think they live on a floating disc and everything in the universe revolves around them. And they believe that they have the right to take away the human rights of others, arbitrarily, according to their whim, based upon this feeling of moral superiority based upon a book written nearly 2000 years ago that includes slavery, genocide, incest, murder, beastiality, giants, talking snakes, talking burning bushes, etc. And this is supposed to be our moral authority on how to live? No wonder the world is going to shit. These assholes are trying to create the Apocalypse so they can all go to heaven all while creating a literal HELL ON EARTH?!? Being stupid or ignorant is a CHOICE. And like so many other choices, there is a REAL CHOICE for humans to act like we are supposed to and clean up our mess we have made with this planet, which is NOT how ANY of us want to leave it for our future generations.
Even according to the bible, God put humans here on Earth to be SHEPHERDS of it's animals, plants, rivers, lands, mountains, valleys, and waters. NOT ITS' CONQUERORS! NOT ITS' TORMENTORS! NOT ITS' DESTROYERS!
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It's only one. One cigarette butt. One fast food cup or bag or straw. One more cubic pound of pollution into the air. It's only one beer can on the beach. It's only one plastic bottle in the landfill or ocean... right? WRONG. There are over 7 billion humans, each with this same thought. So each and every day our odd shaped, not quite a sphere, but close planet is being destroyed by plastic waste, cigarette butts, improperly snuffed campfires, glass, metal, etc. being thrown arbitrarily into our most precious waterways and oceans. But it's just one more tree. One more trophy kill. One more vote for a party that is complicit with crimes against humanity. One more politician who is going to deny the human impacts on climate change. One more oil or coal refinery, power plant, or mined, dug, sucked, clawed, and pulled from the Earth, just to be burned up and raise our internal temp. as a planet. Just a little more greenhouse gas as the poles melt and release more methane and carbon dioxide and monoxide. The United Nations committee of the worlds most forefront scientists on climate change has deemed that WE, as a human race, have only 12 years to change things or the future of humanity is doomed and will continue to deteriorate (for who knows how long) until there are zero habitable parts of the planet for life of ANY KIND, humans or otherwise. We are indeed in another DARK AGES, folks. Admittedly it seems scary to know that so many apathetic people are complicit in the evil and tyranny going on currently in the world.
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It is not too late to change. It is not too late to learn, evolve, and grow as a species. It is not too late to refuse hate and oppression. It is not too late to plant trees. It is not too late to clean up the environment. It is not too late to talk to your neighbors and participate in your communities. It is not too late to reuse, reduce, and recycle products like metal, glass, plastic, rubber tires, etc. It is not too late to give a shit about our fucking planet, folks! It isn't a liberal or conservative idea. It's a HUMANE idea. It's a RESPONSIBLE idea. We ALL have it within ourselves to change and help in the process of making the world a better place. If we could all just agree on THAT ONE THING: to leave the world a better place... we'd all be better off. The Earth would be better off. The animals and plants and oceans would be better off...
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This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Evolution.

American Conservatism

Once we recognize that Libertarianism is essentially neo-feudalism, and that it is now the dominant conservative philosophy of the Republica...