The title is simple, but trying to explain it is difficult. Welcome back my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers to another edition of the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back.


This blog has been a long time coming and I've been mulling over exactly how to say what is on my mind for a while now. Bear with me here because this is going to come out fast, abrupt, and might offend those of weak constitution, so let's get started.
After nearly 33 years spent on this planet, it is my formal opinion that there is something SERIOUSLY WRONG with most people. I'm not here to pull one person out of the crowd and humiliate or destroy his/her character in a personal attack. Let me explain if you will, but to do this I must bring up the MOST controversial subject of all: RELIGION.

Wow! I can already hear the peanut gallery on this one. Sure everyone is just so defensive of their religion, their faith, their version of "God"... but WHY? If God is so powerful... why does he need YOU fighting his/her battles by proxy?
So I have spent a lifetime investigating different religious beliefs, cultural practices, and philosophical debates. I am now going to sum up some of my findings.
1) Religion is NOT about bringing YOU or I closer to God. It does NOT give you extra spirituality. It does NOT bring you closer to "heaven", but merely confuses, instills fear and subservience to existing cultural and political ambitions of whomever chooses to use religion as a weapon for the political police state, keeping minds locked in submission.
2) If God is all powerful, all knowing, and perfect, then this means that he DID mean to make homosexuals, Muslims, free will, violence and evil, as well as peace, love, humility, sacrifice, compassion, and a Earth of beauty.
3) With all the violence, hatred, murder, genocide, and other evils in this world, I don't think that God really has the time or concern to worry about weather or not you got tattoos, drank caffeine, had sex, ate pork, etc. As long as you are NOT hurting anyone BUT YOURSELF, then what is the fucking problem... oh yeah, it all comes back to the people here, NOT GOD, but HERE on this little rock that want to be the morality police for EVERYONE ELSE.
4) The Bible is JUST A BOOK of morality tales that are meant to HELP serve as a guide to live a good and just life by... it is NOT singularly the teetotal book of how to live your life by, standing on it's own. There are MANY other good books that can help you learn how to be just as good of a good person and live a happy just life closer to the creator. Also, the Bible has been butchered, chopped, edited, hacked, and reprinted DOZENS of times based upon who was the ruler of the time, again for political gain, control over the weak minded sheeple populace, and the real evil... POWER OVER OTHER HUMANS. The Bible was NOT sent down to Earth via FAX or TEXT MESSAGE. HUMAN BEINGS WROTE THE BIBLE. Humans ARE FLAWED! WE make MISTAKES! We ARE selfish, stupid, and arrogant...
5) If we ARE truly made in God's image than what does that say about our God? It obviously means, by using sheer logic alone, that God is both GOOD AND EVIL all at once... kinda like US...
6) If there IS a Satan, or ultimate EVIL... why doesn't God just smite him, kill him, and be done with it? There are only 2 possible answers:
a) God and Satan are equal in power and therefore neither can destroy the other, which would make God NOT perfect NOR the unfaliable entity he is portrayed as... or...
b) God himself is BOTH evil and good at the same time, constantly struggling daily, such as we do to keep the balance in our own lives between the two.
7) Jesus is NOT God. Jesus had a human mother. Just by logic alone, he could NOT have been BOTH divine and a weak, unknowing human. AT BEST... he is a demi-god, half his divine father and half his human mother which would also rule out many of his alleged passages from the New Testament.
8) Why are Christians so quick to forget the lessons of the OLD TESTAMENT that describe our God as being angry and vengeful? In fact, if you read the old testament, it rather seems like HE doesn't really like US much at all, as he has tried to wipe out humanity SEVERAL TIMES. ALSO, I don't really know too many Christians that even follow the 10 commandments any longer, especially here in America where nearly EVERYONE is coveting their neighbor's wives and possessions.
9) In the Old Testament, it states in plain words something about not having any graven images of God, and again in the New Testament for Jesus. So for all you supposed Christians out there with crosses and images of Jesus DYING... according to your own Bible, that is SACRELIGIOUS! Which pretty much makes EVERY church with an image of God or Jesus a SIN!! This is by their own logic, mind you.
10) In 325 C.E. the Council of Nicea got together, with all the religious leaders at the time to revise and put together the New Testament of Jesus Christ. What most Christians don't know is that it wasn't until over 300 years after the man's death did they start to talk about him being of divine origin. Before that he just said he was the Messiah, but NEVER did he say that he was God. By technical definition, I am the son of God, as are YOU and YOU, and YOU. If he IS the ONLY ONE creator in the universe than WE ARE ALL the son's and daughters of God, right? Then that means that ANY ONE OF US may find our OWN relationship with the heavenly father and we DON'T NEED RELIGION ANY LONGER. We don't need some crusty old pedophile telling us how to have a relationship with HIM, because the knowledge we need to have a spiritual relationship with God is ALREADY WITHIN US!! So fuck the priests, pastors, pope, bishops, cardinals, etc... that have NO MENTION in the Bible of necessity or positions of any kind of power spiritually.
11) Speaking of the Pope... FUCK THIS ASSHOLE!! The current pope was a member of Hitler's NAZI YOUTH in Germany during WWII! And now he is supposedly the leader of religion in the "free" world? Religion is NOT the same as spirituality. YOU DO NOT NEED THE POPE OR ANY OTHER CHURCH/FIGURE TO FIND YOUR PLACE AT GOD'S SIDE!! Organized religion is about
12) IF God is all powerful and does indeed love everyone equally, then he will give us all a chance for redemption rather than committing us all to a lake of fire to burn for eternity... DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THIS? From an early age, I realized the farce of religion as it has been told that only a small FEW will go to heaven, but EVERYONE else, which is a greater MAJORITY will go to HELL! The fear of going to HELL has kept the churches in power for over 2000 years and has kept stupid people throwing their money into the collection bowl or plate, depriving their own existence HERE on Earth while the Pope and his buddies sit on GOLDEN THRONES, with GOLDEN SCEPTERS, LIVING LIKE A KING... while the MAJORITY of those who worship THIS religion are living in 3rd world POVERTY and STARVATION! How on Earth could THIS be ANYWHERE CLOSE to the idea that GOD or JESUS had in mind for humanity???
13) The Vatican is worth an estimated 74 TRILLION dollars as they have hoarded treasures from Crusades,
WORLD WARS, and priceless treasures from their OWN congregation of religious zealots. With a FRACTION of their total worth, they could FEED EVERYONE... and actually END WORLD HUNGER! But they WILL NOT DO SO, for it is this practice of hoarding the wealth and equality away from the average person that KEEPS them in POWER and it KEEPS the weak minded flocking like sheep to the altar as sacrificial lambs to the slaughter, so the FEW can live the life of KINGS at the expense of the MASSES, who are poor, destitute, and genuinely looking for salvation, which they will NOT FIND here on Earth... at least NOT FROM THE CHURCH!
14) The three religions of the Jewish, the Christians, and the Muslims ALL CLAIM ancestry and ALLEGIANCE to the God of Abraham. So if you call him Allah, Jesus, Jehova, or whatever else... it is STILL the SAME GOD! So the ONLY real difference is that the Jews don't believe in ANY of the books past the OLD TESTAMENT. The Christians don't really follow that book, but follow the NEW TESTAMENT, which is allegedly supposed to like negate the old book or something retarded like that. Then the Muslims, via their prophet Muhamed have the Koran, which is yet ANOTHER testament from a VENGEFUL, HATEFUL God. The Jews and Muslims BOTH believe that Jesus was JUST a prophet, a good person, and a loving teacher of humanity, but BOTH deny his alleged claims of divinity (again which wasn't officially stated until over 300 years AFTER his death).
So if ALL 3 of these religions believe in the SAME GOD, really what is all the fighting about?
15) It is ignorant and really flat out STUPID for people to think honestly that Jesus could have possibly been the last prophet on this planet. So let me get this straight... for over 2000 years God hasn't sent ANY kind of missionary or prophet to speak HIS word to humans? This means one of 2 things:
a) He has foresaken us and left us to our own devices or those of his mortal enemy Satan... or...
b) There HAS BEEN prophets among us for the last 2000 years and the church(es) have gone on Crusades and inquisitions MURDERING IN THE NAME OF GOD, ANYONE who would say ANYTHING against the OFFICIAL STORY TOLD BY THE CHURCH (as if they have all the answers since they are yet again, falliable humans)
16) Speaking of MURDER IN THE NAME OF GOD... There has been MORE bloodshed in the name of God, than ALL other conflicts, wars, disease, famine, AND plague PUT TOGETHER!!
17) Christianity is NOT ORIGINAL! IN FACT... the MAJORITY of their traditions, teachings, and celebrations have been STOLEN or outright just ADAPTED from EVERY OTHER previous religion that has been WIPED OUT, CONQUERED, or DESTROYED because they told a different story of the creation of man besides the churches "OFFICIAL STORY".
18) The Bible is NOT an official timeline of humanity. Science has proven that the Earth is much much OLDER than 6000 years, as the Bible would have people believe. What about the dinosaurs? Underground or underwater ruins that have been dated past 12,000 to 20,000 years old? What about EVERY OTHER creation story told by the Sumerians, Babylonians, Persians, Egyptians... and so on and so forth down a list that I cannot even begin to recount as it is too long for just one mere blog.
19) Speaking of the Sumerians... I want to talk about the earliest written creation myth. The Sumerians, along with the Egyptians, among others, believed that our "gods" were aliens that came down from the heavens and genetically engineered humans to be THEIR SLAVES! Even the Christian Bible refers to God in the plural as Gods. It is written in nearly EVERY account, across the globe that there were MANY gods upon the face of the Earth at one point, Giants among men that mated with human women to create mixed bloodlines that are STILL TO THIS DAY KEPT INTACT in the form of "Royal families" and "Royal bloodlines". They are the Annunaki, or Elohim... look it up and come back... I have time.
20) Lastly, if you want to see how big of a LIE and hypocrisy religion really is... THOU SHALL NOT MURDER (or KILL, as it is stated, depending on the version of the Bible you read). There has been so many deaths in the name of religion and God. Why is it OKAY for a religious person to bomb or kill an abortion clinic? Don't we think that God would rather you have an abortion than to have 20 kids that you CANNOT FEED or CLOTHE and will die in some God forsaken 3rd world country? Or how about the assholes that are out with picket signs calling out that "God hates homosexuals"? If god is perfect, then he MEANT to make people that way... if you are NOT that way, okay... don't fuck with the people that are! Also I have seen all too many people and signs that are anti-Muslim in some way. REALLY? No one is perfect and no one has all the answers and MOST PEOPLE generally have the SAME GOAL IN LIFE... to return to the creator. It is the SAME for Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindu's, Buddhists, going all the way down the line to some islander who's NEVER HEARD OF JESUS or MUHAMED... even if some person worships a FISH or an ALIEN... they are STILL trying to get through THIS LIFE and BACK TO THE CREATOR!!



Our human experiences vary from our regional traditions, dialects, and customs, BUT.... we are all born in the same manner, we are ALL suffering from FINITE lives in this plane of existence, we ALL BLEED, WE ALL DIE! The human experience is generally pretty familiar. WE have the ability to CREATE. WE have the ability to DESTROY. We have the ability to experience a plethora of emotions and an infinite number of possibilities throughout this life we have. Just because we have human natures of fear, jealousy, and retribution, much like the Christian God, does NOT mean that we cannot rise above petty human emotions and indeed be closer to divine in our own right. Despite what you chose to label yourself as... doesn't matter... the TRUTH is that you and I are equal and that NO ONE HUMAN IS ABOVE ANOTHER, despite their meager possessions (which humans COVET so much of the time and yet you cannot take them with you to the NEXT life). There is NO REASON to keep up with the Jones's for theirs is also a life of false idol worship. Who you ARE is more than the mere sum of your parent's, church's, friends, and family's teachings. YOU ARE A BEING OF LIGHT, PURE DIVINE ENERGY, NOT just a helpless animal as the church sees you. YOU do NOT need a preacher, pastor, pope, or any other religious figurehead to tell you the PATH TO GOD, because honestly, I don't believe that they know either. THE ONLY WAY TO REACH GOD IS TO DIE. Beyond that, who really knows what awaits our immortal souls. Perhaps we DO reincarnate into a new form on this Earth, stuck in a repetitive cycle of doing the same thing over and over until we learn our lessons: sounds kinda like PURGATORY to me... or perhaps we become divine, angelic beings... regardless, it is still up to US as INDIVIDUALS to live THIS LIFE the BEST we can, to attempt to overcome our attachments to this MATERIAL WORLD, to overcome our fears, jealousies, anger, frustration, and hatred of others.
So what's the fighting really all about? Power, control, fear, and corruption. Read your bible... God can wipe out people if he wants to...
it is NOT up to YOU OR I to fight a personal crusade for a being who is all knowing and all powerful. That is HIS job, NOT OURS! So put down your picket signs, your torches and pitchforks, your inquisitions and your crusades are in VAIN! This is NOT the world that God or Jesus or Muhamed envisioned for us, murdering one another over SEMANTICS, INTERPRETATIONS, and DUSTY OLD BOOKS!!!
Ladies and Gentlemen, this has been the ONE and ONLY Quiet Mouse. I hope I have been able to help open your eyes to a world that is REAL and the one that humans have created out of fear to keep others in line following the status quo. BE GOOD TO ONE ANOTHER AND ACTUALLY TRY TO LIVE THE WAY GOD WOULD REALLY WANT YOU TO: WITH LOVE, FAITH, HUMILITY, RESPECT, COMPASSION, EMPATHY, AND FREE OF PERSECUTION, HATRED, APATHY, AND FEAR.