Today I want to go hard on an issue that is just flat out pissing me off. Unless you live under a rock in a cave, I'm sure that you have been inundated with the near constant coverage of the media for the royal wedding between Prince William (Why the fuck don't we know the royal family's last names??? It just so happens to be(born William Arthur Philip Louis on 21 June 1982)) and Kate Middleton.
I am sure that Kate is a lovely woman. I have no official opinion on the state of her character, because I do not know her and I wasn't invited to the wedding, nor would I go even if I had the money and time. Anyway...
Just about every time I turn on the radio the last couple of weeks someone is on air talking about how they think this royal wedding is so exciting and whatnot. Not only do I not give a shit because it is all pomp and circumstance, but here's the real kicker... you ready?
July 4, 1776
Why is this date so important? This is the date of America's independence from the monarchy of Great Britain.
I know that stupid youngsters don't give a rats ass about history, but I feel that this one NEEDS to be said. I was watching a web cast from Alex Jones last night and it got me thinking about what's going on with this nation. Apparently too many people have forgotten what our ancestry fought and died for in the Revolutionary War!
Here's the problem and here's where it gets a little crazy to me: NOTHING has changed about the royal family. NOTHING. There might be newer faces in the monarchy now than there were in the late 1700's, but the policy and agenda is still the same. For me it breaks down like this. The royal family represents a bygone age of tyranny and oppression that has been clung onto for far too long. The founding fathers of America fought and died for the belief of a life BETTER than one of subservience to the crown of England.
For a while now, and a lot of this is through the American media, the monarchy has been turned into an almost celebrity status as movie stars and musicians have gone overseas to be "knighted" or otherwise honored by a woman who has servants to wipe her ass.
So this celebrity status associated with royalty is not a new idea. I get the whole deal with little girls wanting to be princesses and whatnot. The main problem that I have with the whole situation is that these people are all inbred ass-clowns. If they lived in Arkansas, Kentucky, or West Virginia, no one would think twice about this nonsense and would laugh and make fun of them for being inbred like the trailer trash that they are. The ONLY difference is that the people over there in England are one of the richest families in the world, mainly because they get paid off the top like a politician from the taxes of the British people. The whole idea of monarchy is outdated and obsolete, yet they cling onto their power like the leaches that they are because they see US, the common people, as being much much less of human beings than they are. Money and power have a perverted way of changing how people see their fellow humans. The royal family views are not indifferent to the American aristocracy of money, fame, and power that look down on the rest of us as well.
My biggest question, I suppose, is WHY ARE SO MANY PEOPLE SO ENAMORED BY THIS EXTRAVAGANCE AND IGNORANCE? Have we all forgotten the oppression and hatefulness that the crown held against the U.S.? Have we forgotten that WE had to bail THEM out during not just WWI, but also WWII?
What is worse to me is that even the British are getting tired of the monarchy which hails in ITS ancestry from... here it comes, here it comes... GERMANY!
But wait a minute, QM, I don't get it?
Remember the Nazis. The crown was a big supporter of Nazi Germany until they got a little too ambitious. The crown of England has been ALL ABOUT world domination for a long long time now. The New World Order is NOT a new idea... it IS the same OLD WORLD ORDER from the U.K. and German ancestry that came up to the Northern part of Europe after the fall of the Holy Roman Empire.
You can make your own decisions, my friends, but I chose NOT to support the tyranny and oppression of royal families and monarchies alike. Those inbreeding bastards can KEEP their traditions and their elaborate fancy weddings.
This has been the Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Truth. Respect. Down with the tyrannical oppressors!!