Let's jump right in by calling out the Republicans, or the GOP.
Now, I might not be the only one thinking it, but I might be the only one saying it... I think there is a good reason that it's called the "grand OLD party"!! The reason, by my estimation is that it's a group, predominantly made up of RICH WHITE MEN that are clinging on to a bygone era of failed American economy known as CAPITALISM. This archaic and antiquated system was designed by THEM to make more and more money for THEM. Capitalism has NOTHING to do with helping the good of all Americans, ONLY THE WEALTHY!!
Now I am not seeking out to beat down dead horses from past blogs, although I will reference them intermittently... no... I am wanting to re-awaken that lost spirit that has once again been beaten out of the citizens since 2008 when we were united behind electing a president that would CHANGE THE WORLD. Is that what we REALLY wanted?
Here's the REALITY. I KNOW that a lot of people are disillusioned to this word "reality" here in America. We have a skewed view on things because we are NOT shown much of the TRUTH in our media. We live in this little bubble of consumerism, IGNORANCE, and GREED... seems we get our own values from the TOP all the way down? And this bubble is on a razors edge of failure.
The problem with this bubble we live in is that it is a LIE. The banks are NOT interested in you SAVING or RETIRING; neither is your JOB (if you still have one). The RICH are NOT interested in YOU being rich along side them, cause they got OLD SCHOOL MONEY: more than you and I can imagine. The ONLY thing they are interested in is KEEPING you and I in the cycle of non-sensible DEBT, so they can OWN YOUR ASS!! And they pretty much already DO, considering you are working for a slave wage that goes up a lot slower than our INFLATION of prices. I know I have said it before, but inflation is ONLY to keep the profit margins of the companies high enough to steal from the people.
I can already hear the murmuring in the peanut gallery... "But Quiet Mouse, I'm not a slave. I live in the free-est country in the world. I can quit my job if I want to..."
Really? You CAN?
Oh yeah? But then again, you are forgetting about this cycle of debt that most of us are stuck in. Do you have student LOANS? Rent? Mortgage? Credit card BILLS? Car PAYMENTS?
Hehehe silly rabbits... where did you get that crazy notion that you are FREE? From our politicians? Yeah right... From school? Well, they sure taught that... straight from those Government issued textbooks that only tell one side of the story, but forget those important details. Details like Columbus spreading disease and committing genocide against the natives... or how bout that American companies have profited off of death since the inception of this country... or how we put Japanese Americans in concentration camps during WWII also?
Ok, so about these Republicans. If they are only interested in the pursuit of wealth and big business, how come they have such a following with middle of the country people that are LESS than wealthy?
Good question my friends... Well, being from Texas, I can explain a lot of this: IGNORANCE and GUNS. Liberals have been trying to ban guns and impose gun control for a long time. It's not really the guns that kill, it's the right wing nut job a$$hole behind the trigger that KILLS. Then again sometimes there is a Robin Hood in all of us that would like to stand up and take back from the rich and give to the poor. There are those who would result to vigilante justice in this country where desperation is at an all time HIGH!! Then again, the guns ARE in the hands of a lot of people that are fighting over a PLANT that should NEVER have been prohibited to begin with... food for thought.
Ok, so regular Americans want to keep their guns, but that's not the only reason middle Americans vote for this swine. See the rich did a funny thing. They convinced the blue collar workers that somehow paying taxes was EVIL... woo hoo hoo!! Scary stuff there. Just like TERRORISM and RELIGION, TAXES are one of those conversations that will whip the ignorant into a frenzy of violence and straight down the rabbit hole of where THEY want us to be: fighting amongst OURSELVES.
For the sake of arguments, let us define what a TAX is:
tax (t
1. A contribution for the support of a government required of persons, groups, or businesses within the domain of that government.
2. A fee or dues levied on the members of an organization to meet its expenses.
Ok, so this sounds very basic of a definition. Let's see if we can break it down a little. A "contribution" for the support of government required of persons, groups or businesses within the domain of that gov't.
This means that no matter how small or how big the person or business becomes they STILL have to pay taxes. See the second part sums it up: our Gov't is this "organization" trying to meet its expenses.
"Well, Quiet Mouse... what do my taxes pay for?" Good question my friends.
They are SUPPOSED to pay for our schools, teachers, roads, police, fire fighters, energy, water sanitation, etc. and holding the infrastructure of this country together. UNFORTUNATELY, we have been disillusioned away from paying taxes partly due to the lead walls and LACK OF TRANSPARENCY by our leaders up in Washington D.C. We are led to believe that they are spending thousands of dollars on toilet seats and hammers, but the petrochemical-military-industrial dollars are going to buy BOMBS, BULLETS, and BULL$HIT. THEY keep getting a raise every year while OUR benefits, wages, and jobs are all being sent overseas for cheap sweatshop workers to make garbage for companies like WAL-MART to thrive. And all we do is spend spend spend on this CHRISTMAS GARBAGE...
Oh yeah... I said it!! AND our tax dollars are being used to subsidize CORN (over 50% is inedible while people are STARVING in THIS country)!! Why can't they subsidize FRUITS and VEGETABLES? Or better yet, if they are going to continue on this ENERGY kick that we are SOOO dependent on, they could at LEAST subsidize the algae farming that is leading to a new breakthrough for bio diesel fuels so we can get away from the BILLIONS of our American TAX dollars that are being sent overseas to the MIDDLE EAST for that oil.
Ok, so for all you blue collar Americans or below... or should I say ALL THE SLAVE WAGE WORKING CLASS... LISTEN UP!!
I agree that it isn't fair for US to pay the majority of the taxes, but for the sake of this blog, that is a moot issue, cause the rich will NEVER WILLINGLY AGREE to pay their FAIR SHARE of the tax burden. Here's the REAL DEAL, so PAY ATTENTION!! You HAVE to pay your taxes, so GET OVER IT!! Suck it the F#*K up with a big fat straw and just manage your budget around it. Corporations and wealthy individuals need to pay higher taxes, we ALL can agree on, but SO DO WE!!
"Holy crap Quiet Mouse... that's gonna piss a lot of people off!!"
I say GOOD!! Maybe it will re-IGNITE that fire that got snuffed out in the last 2 years. Maybe we will have a NEW "TEAPOT" Party and we can reform this government and end the prohibition on Cannabis. Maybe if enough of us rally TOGETHER they will be FORCED to answer for their CRIMES?
I personally am an Obama supporter. I think he is doing the best job he CAN DO with all the Republican cock blocking that is happening up on capitol hill. I BELIEVE in the power of the American people that "YES WE CAN" (the campaign anthem of 2008) needs to change to "Yes We STILL Can!!"
Buying back into the broken system and bailing out companies that have FAILED not only as institutions, but have FAILED the American people is ONLY gonna lead to the FAILURE of this country. We are GAMBLING on the savings and college funds of our people... FAILURE is the ONLY thing that will result from this NEGLECT of the common working American.
Why is it that only under ATTACK, WAR, or CRISIS do our people BAND TOGETHER? WHAT WILL IT TAKE for US to come together as ONE again? YES WE STILL CAN!!
We CAN overcome this adversity! We CAN rebuild this country and have something to give our kids and grand kids to be PROUD OF (besides an enormous national debt that is ever increasing). We CAN pay our educators a BETTER WAGE!! We CAN give our cops a job to fight REAL "terror" (like cocaine cartels and rapists, BOMBERS, and murderers) without having to HARASS citizens in their own homes using a PLANT for recreational purposes. We CAN have UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE which we DESPERATELY NEED in this country!!
But WE have to STAND UP TOGETHER and DEMAND where those tax dollars go!! We CAN do a lot of things, but we have to STOP VOTING REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRAT and start VOTING HUMAN... start VOTING AMERICAN!!
Yes we STILL CAN!! What are YOU... yes I'm talking to YOU!! WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO STAND UP FOR??? WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO FIGHT AND DIE FOR??? Anything? Your "stuff" and possessions that mean sooo much to you? Your family and KIDS? What is gonna get that fire lit under YOU and KEEP IT THERE?
This isn't like 2008 where WE DEMANDED change ONLY to GIVE UP 2 years later and blame the BLACK GUY for the previous 8 years of colossal damage done by the TERRORIST GEORGE W. BUSH!! This is NOT a dream to give up on!! THIS IS A DREAM where EVERYONE is TRULY equal; NOT separated by a CASTE SYSTEM with the American Aristocracy driving a SLAVE WHIP at US!!
If life is too complicated then SIMPLIFY!! If the stress of paying bills is too much: DROP YOUR CABLE AND CELL PHONE!! Get a "magic jack" instead. Turn the air or the heater to the PROPER TEMP and put on a SWEATER in the house to lower your bills. INVEST in yourself and your family rather than putting your money into the Wall Street GAMBLING POT!! Life is really about as complicated as WE make it to be. Get OFF the grid! Cut up your CREDIT CARDS!! RECYCLE! RE-USE! We STILL CAN do a lot of things... but FIRST we have to break away our DEPENDENCY for OTHERS TO TELL US WHAT TO DO!! The government is gonna tell you what THEY want you to hear and what THEY want you to KNOW. Read and get the facts!! Show some RESPECT for YOURSELF! You don't NEED a whole house full of JUNK you will never use. SIMPLIFY! PRIORITIZE! And THINK!!
I BELIEVE in the POWER that WE have as working class Americans to stand up, just like we did when we elected the FIRST BLACK MAN as President! WE HAVE A GOAL! WE HAVE SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN!! YES WE STILL CAN!!
This has been the Quiet Mouse once again hoping to open your eyes and open your lives to a world WITHOUT this MATRIX of lies and deception. What matters to you?
Peace. Love. Honor. Courage. Integrity. TRUTH. Respect. KNOWLEDGE.